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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

25 octobre 2007

Abhyasis du Sahaj Marg, réveillez vous

Des moutons décervelés

L'exemple traité ci-dessous par Alexis n'est que l'un des mutiples exemples qui révèlent la dérive terrible du Sahaj Marg, depuis la quête spirituelle initiale jusqu'à l'adoration actuelle d'un gourou. Chari JI fait le geste banal de n'importe quel éco-citoyen et les abhyasis sont sous le charme. Un écologiste, un homme politique ou même un abhyasi l'eut-il fait, cela n'aurait soulevé aucun commentaire.

Dans quel monde vivez-vous pour que le moindre geste de Chari JI vous émeuve quand ceux de vos voisins vous laissent de glace ? Quand prendrez vous conscience de votre dépendance, de la perte de vos facultés individuelles de jugement et de votre aliénation mentale ? Comment osez vous croire que vos rares bénéfices spirituels justifient à ce point le sacrifice de vos facultés individuelles ?

Vous n'êtes plus des individus doués de raison, mais un vaste troupeau de moutons décervelés qui n'ont d'yeux que pour leur berger. Le pire est que vous êtes les premiers responsables de cette situation, bien avant Chari JI lui-même. Vous êtes à l'origine de ce culte aveugle de SA personnalité. Il lui a suffit d'en profiter.

J'ai participé à cette gigantesque mascarade et ma famille y participe toujours. Quand j'ai commencé à ouvrir les yeux, j'ai été saisie d'un irrépressible vertige. Cela n'a pas été facile et la peur du vide m'a longuement habitée. Aujourd'hui libérée de cette emprise, je respire enfin. Je me suis remise à penser par moi-même, je suis sortie de ce cauchemar, je m'assume seule.

Abhyasis du Sahaj Marg, réveillez-vous. Refusez qu'on pense à votre place, refusez qu'on vous dicte vos actes et assumez votre propre existence.

Chari a découvert l'écologie. Les abhyasis regardent émerveillés.

Sachez le : en septembre dernier à Kolkata, une jeune femme tend à Chari une serviette en papier. Il s'en sert puis la met dans sa poche parce qu'elle n'est pas sale et peut resservir. Et il ajoute cette phrase mémorable : combien d'arbres ont été coupés pour la fabriquer ?

Commentaire du rapporteur : "Etre avec notre Maître est en soi un enseignement du fait que ses propres actions et ses propres mots nous enseignent comment nous devrions mener notre vie. Ainsi donc, lorsque nous sommes avec Lui, nous devrions faire l'effort d'observer ces choses venant de Lui et de nous en imprégner plutôt que de nous soucier d'aspects matériels (…)."
Révolutionnaire, je vous dis !

Chari vient de découvrir l'écologie. Il invente enfin un Sahaj Marg durable (Sustenaible Sahaj Marg).

Ne voilà-t-il pas qu'il faut un Grand Maître spirituel pour que les adeptes du Sahaj Marg s'intéressent à l'environnement et s'émerveillent de cette découverte.
Il était temps…

Alors qu'il suffit de sortir dans les rues de Delhi ou de Bangalore pour s'apercevoir que notre planète est menacée, Chari a du découvrir cela récemment dans les hautes sphères de la "région centrale".

La notion de développement durable existe depuis plus de 20 ans. Les états membres de l'ONU tentent depuis des années de parvenir à un accord écologique mondial. Les droits à polluer s'échangent sur les places boursières du monde entier. Al Gore et le GIEC viennent d'obtenir le Nobel de la paix. La France fait son Grenelle de l'environnement… et les abhyasis s'émerveillent soudain de la dernière trouvaille de leur gourou !

Chari n'a pas inventé l'eau chaude (on ne le lui a pas demandé), mais bientôt il inventera le fil à couper le beurre. Et les abhyasis du monde entier applaudiront à ce miracle. Ils entreront en transe et se prosterneront à ses pieds…
Mieux vaut en rire !


12 commentaires:

Elodie a dit…

4d-don a ajouté un nouveau commentaire sur votre message blog "Le financement de Tiruppur" :

Salut a Tous...

Les "businessmen" sont maintenant les "environementalistes"... Il's vont sauver la planete de leur Pollution!!

Le projet a Santosh, president de Lotus Hotels (hotels et 2 restaurants) a Austin, Texas est aussi le plus "sustainable" au monde parce qu'ils sont tous "parfaits", ces businessmen "SAHAJ MARG". lol

La Mission est bonne pour le tourisme et Santosh en profite avec le Ranch (bar SM-brand) et ses hotels...c'est du Capitalisme Spirituel. Bientot, on fera la meditation dans les HOTELS

Pour le pauvre qui dit qu'on lui force jamais de "donner de l'argent", peut etre n'a il (elle) jamais entendu parler de "commerciales". Le marche commerciale ne force jamais personne a "depenser" mais les MacDonald's du monde font fortune en vendant "du poison" pour les consommateurs et la planete.

Le SAHAJ MARG c'est comme l'eglise catholique avant la REFORMATION et la RENAISSANCE. Le pouvoir du Vatican a ete reduit, et le SRCM va se voire reduire plus vite que ca a cause de L'INTERNET...



Shashwat a dit…

Cette information est très précieuse; Il sera bien si nous pouvons présenter cette information au public du monde entier.

J'ai remarqué, beaucoup de personnes qui visitent notre communauté Orkut pour recueillir des informations.

Est-ce que vous vous joignez à cette communauté et d'exprimer votre point de vue là aussi?

Attendre ici


Anonyme a dit…


il y a qqchose auquel tu n'as peut-etre pas pense: Les Abhyasis d'aujourd'hui n'ont peut-etre jamais eu la faculte de penser.

Chari regresse. Il fut un temps ou il faisait les poubelles d'Augerans pour manger les trognons de pomme devant les abhyasis afin de donner un enseignement implicite. C'est ce qu'une abhyasie, qui en avait ete temoins, m'avait rapporte il y a 15 ans. A l'epoque, le culte de la personnalite etait moindre et ce fait divers n'avait pas fait le tour de la planete.

D'un cote Chari fait le malin devant les Abhyasis avec les serviettes en papier, mais d'un autre cote ca ne le gene pas beaucoup de raser de vastes surfaces de nature pour faire pousser ses ashrams ou de participer a la societe de consommation en vivant non pas dans la simplicite pronee par Babuji, mais dans le confort. Combien d'arbres coupes pour tout ca? Chari vit dans le superflu, et pour tout ce superflu, il ne se presente pas devant les abhyasis en demandant: Combien d'etres vivants sont massacres chaque jour pour que je puisse jouir de tout ce superflu sur lequel je fonde mon empire?

Une vie simple respecte l'environnement parce qu'une vie simple consomme peu d'energie et de matiere, donc est moins meurtriere. Les abhyasis qui preferent croire au karma plutot que d'etre responsables, tout en s'imaginant qu'ils peuvent faire tout et n'importe quoi puisqu'un sitting les purifiera, devraient savoir qu'ils portent sur leurs epaules la responsabilite de toutes ces morts. Tuer pour survivre, pas pour jouir, est une loi naturelle dont on s'est tous eloignes.

Shashwat, Ca prend du temps de chatter et on le fait aussi bien ici, pourquoi diviser les forces sinon pour les affaiblir?


Anonyme a dit…

Voici le blog de Namrata, qui a disparu un couple de jours apres ce poste.

Ce sont nos "environmentalistes" ca!! Ils s'habillent des drapeaux de tout pays et de toutes causes et pretendent etre les MAITRES DE TOUT!

La pollution, c'est la faute des PAUVRES et des ESCLAVES et les MAITRES (Businessmen, Industrialistes) vont nous SAUVER!!

AH! Les CONS!!

Les moutons SAHAJ MARG feraient mieux d'ecouter et de suivre Namrata...Elle fait du "bon sense" du elle est toujours "vivante"...


# posted by namrata @ 2:14 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Answer to :Warm house of poor


In my last post i was upset as why sahaj marg phylosophy is not followed by master's own son. Well i got the answer, we should see only our master as example not even his son. Well his son may have built many houses but not master. So we should not get upset by somebody doing something which does not match the phylosophy of sahaj marg. Master is working every moment for upliftment of humanity. He has no other aim.

I just need to help him in this. This should be my role. Thas all, period!!!

# posted by namrata @ 11:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Warm house of Poor

Today was Krishna Bhaiya's house warming. He built a new house in Bangalore, Sarjapur Rd. Its a huge house. Master conducted satsang. Yesterday I expected that Krishna will give an open invitation to Blore abyases for Satsang but, there was no announcement regarding the same after morning satsang. I felt a bit upset as I have seen that middle class ppl are now a days giving open invitation to all abhyases for marriage reception. Why not Krishna?? He is big guy? After all ppl cannot be so disturbing. I am sure everyone understands that they should not disturb master.

He must be having his reason? But today morning we came to know that its an open invitation to all blore abhyases to attaend the satsang. I was GLAD.

Some abhyases were telling that master went all the way to Nasik for house warming of a rich abhyasi who built a palace like house.
I dont have any issues with master going and inaugrating big houses. Those ppl must be close to him or he may be bound to oblige.

Somewhere i feel there is a contradiction in what Sahaj marg is teaching and following. Master tells make a simple house & one house is enough. Then why abhyases are making 3 0r 4 houses?
I dont have credibility to tell master not to go for house warming of riches. But, I havnt seen or heard that he has gone to the house warming of poor too.

I feel there is a gap widening between poor & rich in abhyases. Many abhyases feel tat master gives attaention to only those who are rich. Physical nearness is only for rich...poor has to just stand in queue waiting forever.


# posted by namrata @ 11:24 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Morality or Sprituality?

Hi Master,

The youth seminar held on 8th & 9th at Hubli was very good. I felt that it really gives us insight into where we are & where we should be. The food was too good also got to know the youngsters in the mission of similar to my age. After close interraction with many young abhyasis. I observered that few of them are not really serious about spirituality. They came for the trip like picnic for fun. Most dishearting was I felt my husband
Naren was also among the same gang who was just flirting & having fun.

He lacked seriousness too. I feel that this is because of influence of Hemchandra's company. Of cource friends do influence our behaviour knowingly or unknowingly. I pray that the sense of morality & strength in character comes to US with your grace.

I just want to include what i read in todays daily reflection which dissolves all doubts & brings light.

-----Original Message-----

From: []On Behalf Of Daily Reflections
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 12:10 AM

Subject: Character

It is necessary that etiquettes are observed. Taking care of our conduct really means attaining a balanced state so that we become identical with Nature. In other words, we should merge this thing in Nature to such an extent that all other things become non-perceptible. The fact is that etiquette is the soul of spirituality. One thing I would like to tell everybody-rather by the beat of a drum-that every seeker should try to shape his moral condition. One should not utter any word which is unpalatable to others, nor do any action not liked by others. Keeping these two things in view, one should apply oneself to improve his conduct. This is the basic principle. I am a lover of morality rather than spirituality.

Taken from the book "Thus Speaks Lalaji", pg 23-24 -by Lalaji

With Love

Anonyme a dit…

Ca me semble facile de dire que ce n'est pas le maitre qui fait le business et construit les maisons, mais son fils. C'est bien le maitre qui donne du crédit à tout ça, par exemple en se rendant dans ces palaces pour y donner des satsanghs. Qu'est-ce qui l'empêche de ne pas y aller? Les chèques qu'il reçoit de ces gens? Ce qui veux dire qu'il vend son âme pour de l'argent et du pouvoir? Et c'est celui-là qui se présente comme le représentant de son maitre?

Ces abhyasis qui refusent de voir les faits pour ce qu'ils sont... Est-ce qu'ils ne peuvent donc pas penser que si Chari donnait une autre direction, tout ça ne se passerait pas? On sait tous que les riches sont des gens superficiels, creux et égocentriques parce que leur coeur n'est pas quotidiennement poli par les frottements du réel. Les êtres véridiques se trouvent aux étages inférieurs de la société.


Alexis a dit…

Dans les réunions françaises de précepteurs, on évoque aujourd'hui les qualités humaines dont ils doivent faire preuve ds leur fonction.

Doit-on comprendre que cela ne va pas de soi ? Qu'il est important de rappeler qu'un précepteur doit faire preuve de "disponiblitié et ouverture, sympathie, empathie et sensitivité, gentillesse et affection", etc. ?

Parce que les précepteurs oublient d'être disponibles et ouverts ?

Anonyme a dit…

Voici un post un peu hors sujet mais il est assez en accord avec mes experiences, et selon Narayana celles de personnes spirituelles comme son Pere, Babuji ou lui-meme.

J'espere recevoir quelques feedbacks d'abhyasis. Ce recit est assez en accord avec les indices qu'on peut avoir sur l'histoire antique a partir de vestiges artefactuels ou de la transmission de mythes (l'etat naturel et initial de l'Humanite est spirituel, et l'etat degrade actuel de l'Humanite est cause par un agent exterieur).

Here is what I read in Castaneda.

Yaqui sorcerers say that these dark forces are conscious beings that arrived long ago on Earth and took control of the human mind. They say that before that time, Humanity was highly conscious and spiritual, and that the arrival of these foreign beings on Earth started a new cycle in which Humanity was put in a degraded state of slavery.

They say that these beings feed from Human consciousness, which, from all other living species on Earth, has a particular intensity. For the Yaqui sorcerers' vision, consciousness appears like a luminous substance that is generated by the processing of living. According to their vision, new-born babies appear as complete luminous egg-shapes, but while they grow older, the luminous substance in this shape is rarefied and almost disappears after teenage. They observed that this rarefaction was caused by these beings, who feed themselves with this luminosity. They concluded that these beings were parasites, and that for them we are like chicken in a chicken farm.

Yaqui Sorcerers also observed that these foreign beings were connected to the mind of every individual, that each one of us has at least one of these parasites sucking our luminous substance. They realized that the parasite makes people behave in such a way that they have bursts of emotions, which cause bursts of luminosity. They also noticed that emotions like hate and anger cause the biggest amounts of luminosity bursts, and that it is why the mind control pushes people to behaviors generating hate and anger.

They also say that, though it is very uncomfortable for babies and children, we get used to this foreign control on our mind as we grow older, and finally don't perceive it anymore. However, they say that when this foreign influence leaves completely, we clearly feel the difference by recovering our freedom.

Yaqui Sorcerers explain few methods to get liberated from this foreign influence. They say that we can make our luminous substance disgusting for these beings by adopting new attitudes and behaviors that give a specific taste to it. They say that the first time, the parasite is surprised. By setting a new habit, the parasite starts to go finding his food somewhere else without interrupting the control. Finally, they say that if we stay firm in living according to a new set of principles, the parasite finds a new host and leaves forever, and no other one come to you.

The Yaqui Sorcerers say that after sometime without the parasite, our luminosity starts growing again, and ultimately, we get back to the normal condition that we had at birth. They say that this is the beginning of the journey towards the unknown or infinite, which cannot start unless we recover our plainness.


Anonyme a dit…

He oui Alexis, tout le monde ne pratique pas les 10 commandements.


4d-don a dit…

Cri cri..

I like the account of the parasites by Castenada.

It is certainly what divides families as "LOGIC" goes out the door and Anger and hatred rises as the victim feels "betrayed" by his mate who is now "feeding" the MACHINE of the SYSTEM with our "LIFEBLOOD" and even our MONEY. The emotions we never think of because we tend to blame the victime and counsel him/her on how to get rid of the ANGER and HATRED, the effects of the "SUCKING".

To deal with the PARASITE means to either use a "pesticide" that also kills the infected person or to "change the environment" that parasite is feeding on.

As it is now, SRCM is attacking or targeting CHILDREN and we know why.
It is also attacking the "environment changing" rituals of other RELIGIONS such as CHRISTMAS and its message of "FOGIVENESS", and LOVE of the NEIGHBOUR and even the ENEMY.

That "PHILOSOPHY" is not SAHAJ MARG and it does not like it. Sahaj Marg organizes events on Christmas so families are "DIVIDED" unless they belong to the GROUP...


THEN MAYBE THE UN is also INFECTED by PARASITES and it's time to realize it and look to other structures for a "GLOBAL" society to COMMUNICATE and work for PEACE ON EARTH... The UN seems may be as corrupt as the MEMBERS they CHOSE...


Alexis a dit…

130 élèves internes de LMOIS ont rendu visite à Chari au Babuji Memorial Ashram le 13 octobre dernier

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Don,

I already had this discussion with friends about the evolution of organizations and institutions.

It seems that none of them are spared by the phenomenon.

The institution remains, but truly speaking it is not the same anymore: People are replaced by others.

At the beginning, the institution may be a great idea for the good of humanity while it is ruled by its founders, because we have a perfect match between the structure and the organism that builds it.

However, when it happens that the founders disappear, and get replaced by successors, the organization should be killed, or placed under the strict control of something, but what.

Because the organization is kept, it becomes infiltrated by dirty people, and more and more drifts happen.

The spirit of the institution gets lost, another spirit replaces it, using the image of what the institution was to cover itself. Finally, the darkness prevails, and people even continue to think that it is light working for the good of human kind.

This is the world in which we are living now, and the phenomenon is not just for the SRCMtm, it is also for the UNO, for the governments, etc. The world is rotten because this phenomenon happened everywhere, and the world is getting more and more rotten because this phenomenon continues to happen and has no end.

What would be required as an emergency solution is a deep reformation of the power balance, and we all know that democracy is completely dead in a society of information in which mind manipulation techniques are so advanced that voting is just a farce. A lot of consciousness needs to be injected in the system, which requires strong education systems (but they are not independent from the power, they are now formatting systems for enslavement, not awakening ones for freedom and light).

It is not even guaranteed that through communication we may achieve more consciousness: It is always possible to infiltrate a network of people and bring them progressively to a radically different position than what they initially targeted (take the example of Chari with the SRCMtm: Was he mandated for this evil work?).

This is how the dark masters have hijacked democracy and light, transforming the modern society into a modern slavery system. The fight is just starting.

Concerning the parasites described by the master of Castaneda, I heard from other sources similar stories, and I experienced these forces in the USA, but never in Europe.

There were highly developed centers of civilization all around the Earth in the past, and everything collapsed. We have lost the memory of our past, but some stone-remains are still here to tell us to investigate. Some of them are so amazing that we do not even have the technology to reproduce it.

Unfortunately, the academic institutions are so rotten and infiltrated that they do not produce anything else than distracting lies, preventing people from knowing the truth. The truth about human history is either unknown or willingly hidden.

Saying that the world is the ground for the fight between good and evil does not explain anything, and will not give us the possibility to free ourselves from evil. What is evil? If we do not understand evil, we cannot fight it. If it is just a parasite coming from outside and pushing us to behave like a cancer with the organism life, we should understand its nature and the ways to get rid of it.

I have always suspected that a foreign factor was controlling humanity, for we are the only species on Earth behaving like a cancer against nature: This is not normal. I first thought that we were implementing some program that was put in our genes, the pattern of emergence of Humanity from Africa being more than inconsistent. Something else may also be guiding.

We are manipulated to build this technological society, which aims at spreading outside the Earth, and not at all at keeping us integrated in a living planet. The light, on the contrary, pushes us to integration.

Is Chari fighting for light when he plays with paper towels in front of the abhyasis, or is he fighting against mother Earth when he builds ashrams, cottages and palaces?


Anonyme a dit…

Côté pile: Combien d'arbres sauvés grâce à la serviette en papier de Chari?

Côté face: Combien d'arbres sacrifiés par la pléthore de livres et les divers business de la SRCMtm?
