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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

26 mars 2007

Commentaires de Navneet

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les réactions de Navneet Kumar Saxena, fils d'Umesh Chandra Saxena et petit-fils de Babuji, à diverses questions.

Je confirme pour ma part la présence de Kum. Kasturi Chaturvedi et Shri Dinesh Kumar Saxena (petit-fils de Lalaji et chef de file de NaqshMuMRa) dans la liste des précepteurs indiens de la Shri Ram Chandra Mission tm de Chariji.

Toutes ces querelles me font penser aux analyses de Michael et Alexis sur l'attrait du pouvoir. C'est l'explication la plus logique que je puisse trouver aux attaques de Navneet et à la prise de parole de Dinesh Kumar Saxena.


Navneet a dit...
Dear 4d-don
We are told on Elodie's Blog that "Sister" Kasturi Chaturvedi and Dinesh Kumar Saxena, grandson of Lalaji and Owner and Web-Master of the NaqshMuMRa site, are now Preceptors of Chari's SRCMtm, registered in California...can anyone confirm that?
Both had joined Chari as I had said earlier and were in his list. But Kasturi Chaturvedi ji as I said had left him after her belongings were thrown out as said earlier.
As far as Dinesh Kumar Saxena ji is concerned. He too had joined Chari as Chari promised to help him marry his daughter. Which, he did so later on hence he was with him. Now, it seems Dinesh Kumar is separating again.

Dear AB
Your question: “Mr. Navneet Kumar, I am able to imagine what happened in this “closed room”. Can you explain if this is the practical application of your spiritual theory in life?
I just narrated the incident which took place and by the person who was involved in questioning the gentleman who was the tool to Sh. Jahangirdar ji’s death. Moreover, just to bring to your notice that Sh. Jehangirdar ji did tell my father 3-4 months before his death that he knows that he will also die, like Babuji died and that was the reason that he gave the last letter of Babuji to my father during his visit to Shahjahanpur.
Out of his explanations it seems to me stated, too, that Babuji (the special personality) seemed to be unable to find out who tried to make an attempt on his life.
Babuji did know that he attempt was being made on his life. His last letter clearly states so too. He also predicted his long hospitalization, which also was true as we know that Babuji was in Hospital from September soon after coming back from Paris to April 19th 1983 (The day of his Mahasamadhi.
Moreover ,as pointed by A old abhyasi about my Aunty stating Babuji’s request of FIR before leaving to Paris also clearly states that Babuji knew what the future had store for him.
Dear M
Your Question : Is the announcement made by Anonymous on March 17th @ 11.52 pm that in July SRCM name will be changed to "Shri Rajagopala Chari Mission" genuine or some kind of wry joke?
I Agree with you, there are legal implications to it. He may not be allowed to use the same name, logo, neither use funds and properties so gathered on Name of ‘Shri Ram Chandra Mission.’ Or any other organization floated using the funds so gathered from Shri Ram Chandra Mission or Sahaj Marg. Moreso, if we take a stance he cannot publish any material of Babuji also nor use it in future.
Please I am answering this from legal point of view only. We have always conveyed to anybody approaching from his group that he should separate himself from this system given by Babuji Maharaj and open some other body which, solely runs on his name with no connection whatsoever to Shri Ram Chandra Mission or Babuji Maharaj and his Method.
We believe in ONE MASTER, ONE MISSION & ONE METHOD only, where the Master is Babuji alone, following his teachings and method laid down to achieve our spiritual goal of life.
I agree by your and Chritian’s view on opening the so called to "Shri Rajagopala Chari Mission" – NOT PRACTICALLY POSSIBLE.

Dear Aurelius.
Can you clarify this Navneet? Was Chari with Babuji when he died?
As soon as Babuji arrived at Delhi Airport, Chari just left Babuji at the Airport and went to on of Delhi’s Sr Preceptors house and later soon caught his Flight to Chennai.
My father had gone to America for his treatment, after attending the paris function. He came to know of Babuji’s illness and that he had been taken to Hospital. So he cut short his visit returned back, and then remained with Babuji till he was in the hospital.
Chari was not there at the time of Babuji’s death. But, did reach for the funeral where he did not even touch Babuji’s feet but, started holding meetings in the Ashram with his people and asked them to make him the next president even while Babuji’s Funeral was taking place.

Comment dated March 22, 2007 4:54 AM by Anonymous stated below
MICHAEL - From "Heart to Heart" by P. Rajagopalachari(p 272/3)

" But some people persist in addressing me as "Master". I have been annoyed by this practice myself for two or three reasons, you see, for one thing, it has alienated me from a section of the senior abhyasis of my Master who think I have usurped some sort of position to which I am not entitled, into which I have not grown. Some of them even said that I am responsible for my Msster's untimely demise. That is one thing. The second thing is: I have never claimed to be a Master."

Lastly (I don’t know when the book was published but the above statement clearly states that Chari himself knows that allegations of Murder will come up in due course. !!!!!!
As far as the truth of Don being present at the time of Nomination of Chari is concerned. There shall soon be on net a document putforth by Chari himself to support absence of Don at the time of his Nomination.
There is one more document from the horse’s (Chari’s) mouth expected to clarify and help decide the lot of misled true seekers as what they should decide, after all this.


March 24, 2007 6:02 PM

7 commentaires:

Elodie a dit…

Alexis a ajouté un nouveau commentaire sur votre message blog "Mémoire sélective" :

Parlons chiffres…
A sa mort en 1931, Lalaji avait de 100 à 200 disciples, selon les sources. A son arrivée à la SRCM en 1964-65, Chari estime le nombre de disciples à 42 ou 43 seulement, puis sept fois plus en 1970. En 1983, �� la mort de Babuji, il affirme qu'il y a 180 précepteurs, ce qui pourrait faire jusqu'à 4 à 5 000 abhyasis. Narayana estime leur nombre à 20 000 en 1991. La SRCM annonce de 50 à 55 000 adeptes en 1995-97, puis 75 000 en 2000. Chari affirme ensuite avoir multiplié par 3 le nombre d'abhyasis indiens en 3 ans. Enfin, les chiffres annoncés entre 2004 et 2006 fluctuent selon les circonstances entre 200 et 300 000 adeptes, rien que ça…
Autant on a peu de données sur l'Inde, autant on n'en manque pas en dehors. Selon toutes ces sources, on peut établir que le nombre d'abhyasis par précepteur en dehors de l'Inde varie entre 8 et 20 au maximum. Les ordres de grandeur seraient ainsi de 5 à 10 000 abhyasis en 1995 et le double aujourd'hui. Si l'on accepte les chiffres de Chari, cela supposerait qu'il y avait un précepteur pour 70 abhyasis en Inde en 1995 et un pour 200 aujourd'hui !
Qu'est-ce donc qui différencierait à ce point les abhyasis indiens des autres ? Probablement la définition même de ce qu'est un abhyasi. De quoi gonfler favorablement les statistiques de Chari…
En admettant que l'encadrement des abhyasis soit 5 fois moins élevé en Inde qu'ailleurs, cela confirmerait les chiffres de 1995, mais ramènerait la population totale actuelle de la SRCM à 100 000 adeptes. Ce n'est déjà pas si mal !
L'Inde serait donc le vivier principal de la SRCM avec environ 85 000 abhyasis aujourd'hui pour moitié moins en 1995. Ce qui est déjà plus sûr, c'est qu'en 12 ans le nombre de précepteurs a presque doublé. Plus de la moitié d'entre eux sont maintenant concentrés sur 4 états : l'Uttar Pradesh au nord et les 3 états de la corne sud de l'Inde, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka et Andhra Pradesh. Il en va à peu près de même pour les centres de méditation et les ashrams.
Le reste du monde se partagerait donc au mieux 15% des adeptes de la SRCM (5 à 8% seulement si l'on accepte les effets d'annonces de la SRCM), c'est-à-dire 10 à 20 000 adeptes aujourd'hui contre moitié moins en 1995. D'un point de vue continental, l'Europe arrive encore bonne première avec 46% des précepteurs hors Inde, mais contre 60% en 1995, tandis que l'Amérique du nord est passée de 19 à 28% dans le même temps. L'Amérique latine, l'Asie hors Inde et l'Afrique en comptent chacun 7 à 8% (contre respectivement 0, 9 et 9% en 1995) et l'Océanie 4% contre 2,5% en 1995.

Elodie a dit…

Navneet Kumar Saxena vient de créer son propre blog :

Alexis a dit…

Après "Whispers", voici le "Hookah" ! Et on passe de 300 à 1000 €...
Eh oui, la fameuse donation de 1000 € ou 1200 US$ sera récompensée par un nouveau livre à sortir : "He, the hookah and I".
La SRCM n'ose l'écrire officiellement, mais si vous voulez acquérir ce nouveau bouquin, il vous faut effectuer votre donation avant fin avril.
Voilà donc le fameux cadeau de Chari aux généreux donateurs : un bouquin pour 1000 €...

Anonyme a dit…

je l'avais dit.
ce qu'ils sont cons décidément.

Alexis a dit…

Pour info, 4d Don m'a renvoyé ce message :

Kenny9 has left a new comment on your post "The Source of the Legend -SRCM/Sufi Lineage- Part ...":

Nice info! But to really approach 100% accuracy..

Bhai Sahib...(Radha Mohan Lal) was born in 1900)

Bhai Sahib’s father was know affectionately to his disciples as “Chachaji Maharaj”

Bhai Sahib had one more son you did not mention. Sri Ravindra Nath Saxsena.He is the only living son of Bhai Sahib. He is 75 now and lives in Kanpur. He is the only child from Bhai Sahib’s ist marriage.Bhai Sahib also had 2 daughters. The gone.

Most of Bri Mohan Lal‘s disciples called him affectionately..”Hudurwala“
He was a saint of incredible spiritual power.

Nice Blog!
Thanks for the service!

Kenny D

Anonyme a dit…

The Autobiography of Ram Chandra, Part II vol 1
18 August 1944 pp 175-176

Lalji's dictation to Babuji

"Take the example of people starting to offer flowers to my photograph and decking it with garlands, or your clerck starting to worship the wooden footwear of his guru. These examples fall under the category of slavish animal-worship. In fact, the attachment does not remain oriented to that, whose shadow or symbol is taken as concrete object; and Reality goes out of view. With passage of time, worship of just such concrete objects come into vogue. Discriminative capacity is that when the current that connects Master and devotee is attempted to be comprehended. This is the crux matter. This constitute the definition of the refined form of discrimination. Everything else is subordinate to this."


Anonyme a dit…

p 177


"The work that nobody can do has been assigned to you; and the work that you are unable to do should be allocated to other people."