La Shri Ram Chandra Mission n'est pas la seule organisation à proposer des méthodes de méditation. La transmission dont elle est si fière se traduit souvent par un asservissement qui fait perdre tout repère et isole inéluctablement l'individu de son environnement.
La Shri Ram Chandra Mission a été classée comme secte dans un rapport parlementaire français. Avant d'adhérer, informez vous !

439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

1 juillet 2011

Le châtiment du monde et les élus de la SRCM


La Mission interministérielle française de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires (Miviludes) a rendu son dernier rapport, avec pour thématique principale la résurgence du discours apocalyptique.

Dans les annexes à la première partie de ce rapport, je vous invite à lire l’analyse de Sonya Jougla, psychologue clinicienne, spécialisée dans la prise en charge des victimes d’emprise sectaire (pages 115 à 126 du rapport à lire sur ).

La Shri Ram Chandra Mission entre aujourd’hui pleinement dans les critères qui définissent une secte apocalyptique. En effet, il n’est pas nécessaire d’annoncer la fin du monde ou la date de l’apocalypse pour être classé comme secte apocalyptique, il suffit d’annoncer la fin d’UN monde.

Le sens de l’Apocalypse (extrait de la page 117) :
« Une logique implacable que l’on retrouve dans tous les groupes apocalyptiques :
– la société et le monde sont mauvais, enfermés dans la matière, dans le matériel ;
– nous (le groupe), nous sommes bons, investis d’une « mission divine » par des « entités supérieures » ;
– notre mission est de sauver le monde ;
– seuls les élus seront sauvés. Les impies, les mécréants seront anéantis ;
– les groupes attendent cette fin du monde pour créer avec les élus le monde utopique futur, une sorte de paradis sur terre, et créer la nouvelle race humaine. »

On croirait lire des Whispers de Babuji dans le texte.


6 commentaires:

LéA a dit…

La fin des temps existe depuis la nuit des temps
La Miviludes rappelle aussi que l'historien Luc Mary a répertorié 183 prédictions de la fin du monde depuis la chute de l'Empire Romain (Le mythe de la fin du Monde, éd. Trajectoire, 2009).
L'idée d'un monde ayant un début et une fin existe dans la plupart des religions. Les Témoins de Jéhovah détiennent actuellement le record des annonces de fin du monde ratées puisqu'ils en sont à leur cinquième essai de jugement dernier.
Régis Debray (Du bon usage des catastrophes, éd. Gallimard, 2011) parle d’une instrumentalisation de la peur, révélateur des crises de la société présente, par des catastrophistes prophètes du malheur.
Aujourd’hui, c’est la fameuse date du calendrier maya du 21 décembre 2012, la multiplication récente des catastrophes et l’amplification des rumeurs via internet, qui montent en épingle l’idée d’une apocalypse 2.0.
Lire aussi l’excellent article de (La Miviludes à l'heure du jugement dernier) :

4d-Don a dit…


C'est intéressant de constater que ceux et celles qui font parti d'un groupe "sectaire" ne peuvent pas voire les signes de danger, et ceux qui en sont sortis, voient clairement ce qui les avaient "empris"...

Nous avons tous des "blind spots" (points aveugles) dans notre vue et aussi dans notre intellect.

Merci de cette confirmation de ce que nous, qui sont LIBRES, maintenant savons tous ...


Don ...

4d-Don a dit…


Un message addressé a toi a été laissé sur mon blog: (dans les commentaires de cet article: "Let it Be? Comment on Adizes blog"

Le Commentaire:

Je vais essayer de le publier ici mais, c'est long ... alors ???

Dear Elodie,

I feel sad after reading what you have gone through. I can empathize with you bcoz I know how it feels. I'm an Indian. I have been an abhyasi since 3 yrs. I had my own personal problems then. I thought I could get peace through Meditation & whatever else it offers spiritually, may be blessings. I had gone through the SM Basics book & everything in that made sense to me : like the concept of Samskaras, The Need for a Guide, God-within & the idea of One Universal God. I started the practice. The experiences were good ( Absorption ). I experienced what I probably felt I needed then. I was happy. Then one day, I came across certain blogs against SM which mentally disturbed me. That took away my peace of mind. I learnt that there was another SRCM. I concluded it was probably from abhyasis of the other organisation. And I didn't want to ruin my peace of mind further by getting into details. I was liking the things mentioned in books. After reading too much about Chariji, I was getting attached to him. I developed a desire to do the practice properly & become very spiritual. I had stopped Idol worship believing God was within. I was regular to sittings & satsangs. But I was never regular in Sadhana. And my material involvement was leaving me with lot of thoughts in Sittings & Satsang.I was blaming myself for not being regular & not making use of such an opportunity.

(a suivre)...

4d-Don a dit…


Once I chatted with Shashwat Pandey. I posed proper questions. For which, his reply was that I had become a Zombie already & etc etc. So I concluded that he was a lunatic & even others were. But the questions regarding the Lineages had made sense. I asked a young prefect whom I take sittings from. He said he didn't know about it. He said that I must focus on my sadhana to understand the efficacy of SM. That answer made sense and I dropped all that I read. I became regular in abhyas & felt peace. I had been trying very hard to do constant remembrance. I could not do it at all.

Thinking that Master was doing made me more attached to him & attachment is bad! It was creating feelings of disappointment inside me. I developed hostile thoughts against Master. But I was only following the instructions. The practice was meant to develop love for the Master instead it filled me with expectations & anger towards him. I asked prefects who failed to convince me how exactly to do it. I was too curious coz it was mentioned in many books & told by many abhyasis that Constant Remembrance was greater than any practice.

Finally I got to meet this nice old prefect who advised me not to do it. And told me to be regular in practice. And that CR will develop on its own. I continued the practice & was feeling better. While all this was happening, I was developing great interest in Sufi wisdom. I read about them trying to find an answer somewhere regarding Naqshbandi Lineage.

à suivre...

4d-Don a dit…


I started to like Prophet Muhammad. And started to feel great regard for the Prophets who existed. Slowly I started to feel that SM was more Hindu-oriented than Universal. Chariji talked about Jesus but not of Muhammad or Islam. I thought afterall there is a link to the earlier Prophets. With great courage I went to the old prefect & asked why SM is Anti-Muslim. He said that SM was universal & it would not be right to say that & all the SILSILA ( Lineage ) was broken long time back. When I insisted on why it was broken. He said because of the Command from Above. I was somewhat satisfied with the answer.

In the past 3 yrs, I had been trying to follow the Ten Maxims for character formation. I was reading them but practcising them was hard for me. I would attend some Youth programs & have outstanding experiences which would last for many days even after having suspicions in my mind.

But my material aspect was on a low as always. Dissatisfaction at work. I would be more egotistical and angry. I was distressed & felt helpless. I begged for help & guidance. Nothing worked. I felt very much dependent on Master. And I would always be disappointed. But I would never know where I was wrong. Nobody to tell.

All I had were the practice & books. I so badly wanted to meet Master & sort out my mental & material problems & doubts bcoz I felt he would know everything. But it never happened though I tried hard. I had been seeing a lot of Abhyasis working in the Mission.

I was asked & requested often by young abhyasis to join them for work. And I would always say "No, I'm busy". I would lie. I did work after making some friends there. Or whenever I would see someone badly needing help. This went on happening for few weeks. The words SLAVERY & FREE WORK which I had read in the blogs flashed in my mind.

à suivre...

4d-Don a dit…


At one point I started to escape after the Satsangs so that nobody would find me to get the work done. And just a weeks ago, I came across a book on Osho teachings.

I read it & it inspired me to be more spiritual-oriented. I told about this to one friend (Abhyasi) who was angered by it. Said it was an insult to Master if I read outside books than Mission books. The anger was all on his face. I remember we had this conversation soon after a Satsang. I was relaxed. Now I observed he was too obsessed with Mission. He calmed down & asked me to read Mission books. And since then I have realised I have got more wiser.

I read more of Osho's philosophy. He said "Anybody who offers you a belief system is your Enemy". "A Master is someone who frees your from Himself". And throughout humanity, people have been dominated by so called Masters who would ask for obedience & say "I'm the Shepherd. You are my Sheep. Just follow me". He also said, "Bondage is your creation & freedom is your declaration". Thus encouraging people to take responsibility of themselves.

His insights on mind & tendencies to throw responsibilities on others or Master came as a revelation. I was attached to Master all these years. And that was the root of the sufferings. The attachment happened due to the mind's tendencies which I could see clearly now. But there was nobody to advise me on that. The SM books are of less intelligence & more of praises. All that one could find is MASTER IS BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!!!!!

Now I see what causes "Personality Worship". "The Outer Master is only to provoke within you that is Asleep." Thinking about divine cannot make one Divine. The thought should disappear. The thoughts need to be watched not brooded over.Sadly abhyasis are all thinking, aspiring to become like Master. Please stop! My advice to everyone is STOP FOLLOWING THE HERD! QUESTION THE METHOD, MASTER, MISSION!

Babuji is dead! His messages in Whispers suck! I speak from my experience alone. Somehow I have benefited by meditation.I feel some sympathy for Chariji. But the fact is he has failed in his role as a Guide. Whether he is a successor or not is not important. A Master is one who has all that the Abhyasi needs for enlightenment. Sadly, the 3 M's are a mess!

Anyway, Elodie & others, May you all find joy in life & live in peace.
