Sur le site internet de la Society for Babuji's Mission, S. C. Kishore poursuit son lent mais inexorable travail de démolition des fondations de la SRCM de Chari.
Que dit-il ?
Les textes jamais publiés de Babuji sont tout aussi importants en quantité et en qualité que ce qui a été diffusé. Chari s’est emparé de la plupart de ces documents ainsi que de manuscrits de Lalaji, dans le but officiel de les publier, mais en réalité pour qu’ils ne voient jamais le jour.
En effet, Chari a compris qu’il n’était pas de son intérêt de publier de nouveaux écrits de Babuji et de Lalaji s’il voulait faire connaître ses propres livres. C’est ainsi qu’il diffuse sa littérature de dépotoir à des prix exorbitants, tels les « Whispers from the Brighter World ». Sans cela, il n’aurait jamais pu ni asseoir sa renommée, ni se faire autant d’argent.
Extrait :
“(…) Apart from His published literature, the unpublished literature is also equally wide and valuable. Most of it was in safe boxes, almirah, etc. in the room next tothe puja-room or in office of His haveli. N.S. Rao, who hailed from Tamil Nadu, was the office assistant at Shahjahanpur, at the registered office of Shri Ram Chandra Mission which was at His personal residence. Rao was responsible for safety of Missions documents in his custody records, Rev. Babuji’s correspondence, etc. With in a short period of His mahasamadhi, practically all the important papers and documents disappeared – how ? Many of the important papers, manuscripts, came into Chari ’s possession. Some of them he purchased and some of them he managed. He also got with him Rev. Lalaji Saheb’s unpublished literature from His great grand children and grand son. The ostensible explanation for getting them was that he ( Chari ) would publish them, but the real idea was to get them under his personal custody and keep them at some secret place so that they never see the light of the day. Because those were the literature/writings of the Speical Personality/saint, every word of them was full of secret/real meaning, power and was original. He thought that his own writings would be no match to them. So he made all out efforts to get as much of them as possible. Chari asked Sharad also to give to him for safe custody whatever original documents he had got and made his son Krishna also to pursuade him. But dear Sharad never gave him any. He said to Chari that he had promised Rev Babuji that His writings will never go into wrong hands from his side. He got the clue that Chari had kept all those things in Germany so that those papers can not fall into the hands of anyone not liked by Chari and his family ? Who would not like to print such rare caliber/Personality/ saints’ writings ? But Chari realized in very clear terms that if these were printed, his writing would carry on weight. He would not be able to popularize his own writings and books and would be deprived of invaluable earnings. He never published, to the best of my knowledge, any valuable unpublished matter of Rev. Babuji and Rev. Lalaji Saheb. Not only that, when Chari cunningly and forcibly took possession of the Mission Head-quarter’s Ashram at Shahjahanpur, there were thousand of printed copies stored there of Rev. Babuji’s diaries (seven volumes, each of which in thousands) - which were in urdu language and were got converted into Devnagri script (Hindi language) for mass consumption, all of them were consigned to flames to prevent its further sale and publicity, under instructions of Chari. These were the writings which Rev. Babuji had said not to be published in His life time. What would you like to call such a person ! That is how he has been able to publish his own books thinking him to be master in English and on spiritual subjects. Not only that, even books on non-existent facts as given in “whisper from Brighter world” fetched him exhorbitant money above Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) per copy. This fulfilled his unabetting appetite for money. Rev. Babuji has confirmed, as given out in the past on more than one occasion, that He gave no inspiration to any French lady, which is the basis of the writing ‘Whisper from Brighter world’ and further daily whispers coming out. What an amount of fresh pollution created by Chari – just only for money, his name & fame. When I took the said book in my hand I had headache, showing the intrinsic value of the same to me. When the things are normalized, such trash and spurious literature will have to be withdrawn and destroyed to save further pollution of innocent minds (…).”
4 commentaires:
L’analyse de Kishore, comparse oh combien prolixe d’un Sharad pour le moins taiseux, est imparable. Pour ériger le culte de la personnalité de Chari, il fallait mettre l’étouffoir sur ses célèbres prédécesseurs ! Ce qu’il a parfaitement réussi… même s’il ressuscite aujourd’hui Babuji à des fins financières. Il avait peut-être une panne d’inspiration, ça arrive aux plus grands…
"Money, name and fame", ce sont les objectifs que vise Chari selon Kishore !
2 Questions/réflexions/réactions :
- Puisque Sharad possède quand même une partie des "Inédits" de son grand-père, pourquoi ne les publie-t-il pas non plus ?
- Chari a fait brûler des livres en s’emparant de l’ashram de Shahjahanpur. Oh le méchant, c’est Fahrenheit 451 qui recommence. Mais pourquoi Kishore veut-il en faire autant avec les Whispers ?
Certes, c’est de la littérature de caniveau ! Mais on ne brûle pas un livre, cela ne se fait pas. On le critique, on ne le brûle pas… Comme si l’on pouvait empêcher une idée de se propager ! Il n’y a que les dictatures et les religions, bref les systèmes totalitaires,… et semble-t-il les spiritualistes pour s’adonner à de tels actes, et croire en leur efficacité…
Quand on sacralise trop certains écrits, on en vient aussi paradoxalement à en diaboliser d’autres.
"Money, name and fame", oui ! Mais aussi : shame on you, Chari & Kishore…
Un autre extrait précédent, toujours de Kishore le scribde de Sharad :
“Say, K.C.Narayana house in posh locality at Hyderabad at Banjara Hills, has been expanded with lavish after His mahasamadhi. Followers have been created by him by founding a showroom by the name of “Ram Chandra Consciousness” and making preceptors with different name for dispensing Sahaj-Marg service – seeing is appreciating the services being rendered there.
Dr. S.P. Srivastava visited Europe more frequently than earlier in Rev. Babuji’s times, with sponsorship by abhyasis there. There was a cry made by some people that moneys received by him there were not handed over to the Mission . A Society was formed by Dr. Srivastava also when he was President of SRCM Managing Committee after His mahasamadhi, obviously for carrying forward Rev. Babuji’s message with the help of his followers.
Parthasarthi Rajagopalachari topped the list of the above and many others by introducing the brilliant idea of ‘Living Master’, encashing abhyasis’ sentiments for filling physical void created due to His mahasamadhi. The residence at “Gayathri”, Sri Ram Nagar, Chennai, inherited by Chari from his father, was an ordinary house, but now see it’s condition - it is an art palace. Where did the money come from ? Not only that , earlier he used to come to Shahjahanpur from Madras only in IIIrd class by railways. After manipulating SRCM presidency, travel by air started with Mission ’s huge funds at his disposal lying at Madras Centre of the Mission . It is this money which he had refused to transfer to the Head-Quarter even on the Founder - President Rev. Babuji asking him to remit to Shahjahanpur, like other Centres did. This is because Chari very well knew that he would badly need large funds to prove his alleged document which was till then only in his knowledge. The flow of huge funds in Rev. Babuji and Mission names is further proved by creation of several private trusts (after presidency), which were not there earlier. The empteen visits to foreign countries were made by him alone in ‘executive class’, but if the lone object were propagation of Sahaj Marg, then he alongwith somebody else both could have travelled in ‘economy’ class, like persons going for promotion of a public cause, but in that case, it would have marred his real purpose. The post of ‘Secretary Overseas Centres’, if created by him as required in Paris Declaration, would have helped in propagation, but not in enhancement of his personal agenda. The question is why Chari went alone everytime? On the other hand Chari’s innocent members - both in India and abroad - do not know what is Sahaj Marg system in reality. They only know Sahaj Marg say, as members of Sahaj Marg club, because of the way they were told by their Living Master with strict instructions not to inter-mix with earlier Rev. Babuji’s times abhyasis of SRCM.”
On torpille toujours les rescapés vivants de la génération Babuji ! Mais toujours le black-out sur les cousins de Sharad…
"With in a short period of His mahasamadhi, practically all the important papers and documents disappeared – how ?"
"how?" is one question that needs not hide another: Why?
If people can accept that, since Babuji's Mahasamadhi, Chari has plotted to secure his position, they will surely accept speculating further before this event.
With the rise of Evil in the 19th and 20th centuries, genuine spiritual masters came from Hind to propagate the doctrin of the Living God and the practical means to achieve this stage of development.
After the 1960s, stealth activity started to spread from the western world, such as cult infiltration, subversion of doctrins, and poisonning of the leaders.
Neutralizing patterns could also be found in Sri Ram Chandra Mission as early as the beginnings of the 1960s, although the ground was not fully set for a take-over before the mid-1970s.
Is it seriously possible that Chari, after losing Babuji's support, could ever succeed reaching and keeping the supreme position by himself, without secret international support?
Anyone interested in understanding why the doctrin of the Living God is a threat to power will find in these moves a brilliant and highly organized interference patiently building the future, and in Chari, the mere tool of an evil plot against humankind's spirit, godliness, and freedom.
"The ostensible explanation for getting them was that he ( Chari ) would publish them, but the real idea was to get them under his personal custody and keep them at some secret place so that they never see the light of the day. Because those were the literature/writings of the Speical Personality/saint, every word of them was full of secret/real meaning, power and was original. He thought that his own writings would be no match to them. So he made all out efforts to get as much of them as possible." + "when Chari cunningly and forcibly took possession of the Mission Head-quarter’s Ashram at Shahjahanpur, there were thousand of printed copies stored there of Rev. Babuji’s diaries (seven volumes, each of which in thousands) - which were in urdu language and were got converted into Devnagri script (Hindi language) for mass consumption, all of them were consigned to flames to prevent its further sale and publicity, under instructions of Chari."
This gathering activity is indeed a deliberate clearing process.
However, the reason may not be that personal and simple, if traces left by spiritual masters in their writings are the seeds of dangerous ideas, secrets, and possible political developments.
But dangerous to whom?
Surely not to the puppet Chari, who's mission was to replace knowledge of the Truth with harmless imaginary.
Sahaj Marg too had its Vatican II.
Please, consider these few directions with care, gather more, look deeper, and think wider.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-tzu"
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