ChariJI a encore reçu 150 enfants de l'école LMOIS au Babuji Memorial Ashram. La SMSF avait déjà organisé un concours pour les enfants sur le thème "à quoi sert un gourou ?". Il est loin le temps où le Sahaj Marg de Babuji laissait les enfants tranquilles (pas de méditation avant l'âge de 18 ans).
Les enfants subissent maintenant un endoctrinement dès leur plus jeune âge. On inculque à nos enfants les valeurs de la SRCMtm sous couvert du VBSE. Plus de 100 écoles en Inde, des tentatives d'implantation partout ailleurs.
Si les abhyasis possédaient de véritables valeurs humaines et des notions réelles d'éducation, ils se feraient un point d'honneur à cloisonner l'école LMOIS de l'enseignement du Sahaj Marg de ChariJI, même si le VBSE s'en inspire.
C'est tout le contraire qui se passe en réalité. Au lieu d'enseigner des valeurs spirituelles aux enfants, on leur inculque les fondements du culte de la personnalité de ChariJI.
Vous imaginez-vous ce que cela donnera plus tard ? Les régimes dictatoriaux n'ont pas fait mieux. Ils fabriquaient des enfants soldats.
11 commentaires:
Voici Ce qu'on enseigne aux enfants dans le curriculum "Value Based Spiritual Education" (VBSE) a la Lalaji Memorial OMEGA School (LMOS) (Pourquoi OMEGA? Est-ce la FIN?)
There are five very important reasons, why we should get away from religious bondage –
a. It creates division among people.
b. Every religion talks of "one God" but states that only their God is the best.
c. It promotes disharmony, violence and wars.
d. The real meaning of the tenets is forgotten and only the rituals are adhered to.
e. Religions put fear and temptations into the hearts of the people.
All religions in the world say the same thing i.e. "seek within". But do they? The answer is NO. Then what is the way? Transcend religion and move towards spirituality.
...Love of God, to become one with Him. (on attribut au Divin Le MASCULIN...)
...Religion enforces an externalization of the mind in man’s search for God. Religion requires belief and faith. Religion speaks of seeing God, speaking with God, hearing God’s voice etc.
Ensuite on peut lire dans "Whispers from the Brighter World" si on veut l'acheter pour $250.00 US que les Mediums Anonymes du Sahaj Marg peuvent parler aux Esprits de l'au dela mais pas avec le Maitre, il n'est pas en contacte avec Dieu ni les Esprits des Maitre decedes comme Lalaji ou Babuji mais il a besoin d'une MEDIUM de FRANCE, ce pays "corrompu" avec des religions "corrompus"...
C'est ca que L'ONU accepte de ces MEMBRES qui travaillent pour la PAIX MONDIALE et c'est ca la SPIRITUALITY a la SAHAJ MARG qui UNI le monde des RELIGIONS...Sans doute sous CHARI, le MAITRE DE L'UNIVERS...
C'est le modèle des écoles coraniques repompé et assaisonné à la sauce Chari.
Finalement, Chari lutte contre l'Islam à sa facon, saluons-le pour une fois.
On a raison de s'inquiéter mais a-t-on raison de critiquer l'initiative, sachant que l'Inde ne connait pas la même situation que les pays occidentaux en matière d'éducation?
En particulier, vaut-il mieux que les enfants des pauvres aillent se faire endoctriner gratuitement (avec l'argent du pétrole) chez les Musulmans pour devenir potentiellement des bombes humaines dès l'âge de 10 ans, et qui viendront se faire sauter chez nous, ou vaut-il mieux qu'ils aillent se faire endoctriner gratuitement (avec l'argent des donnations) chez Chari, quitte à devenir des larves démédulées et béates qui auront peut-être des difficultés à rejoindre le système éducatif normal (et pourri)?
Je dis que ca se discute.
Aprés tout, on peut être heureux en se faisant sauter aussi bien qu'en n'ayant plus conscience de rien, les 2 ayant au moins ca en commun.
Il y a maintenant un "Sahaj" a:
Et un (avec un trait-d'union) qui vient d'etre achete par ? Oct. 25,2007 pour 60.00 US... C'est qui au juste qui l'a vendu et achete? On ne sait pas. Il y a autres "sahaj Marg" qui ne sont pas "enregistres" pour ceux qui veulent: "les faire chier"...
Ou les autre Sahaj Marg's...a
ET Maintenant le SPURS RANCH commence sa "COMMERCIALIZATION" sous le nom de "SPURS" qui tout "ANIMAL RIGHTS" activistes veulent eliminer des RODEO parce que c'a fait du mal aux animaux. SPURS fait du mal aux animaux et SAHAJ MARG fait du mal aux HUMAINS...Il's s'exposent eux-memes, ces BRUTES...
Et ce Swami qui se sert du nom Sahaj Marg:
Ah! L'age de l'Information va ajouter la "CONFUSION" a leurs planifications.
Et maintenant, le Sahaj Marg change.
Sur ce site: l'auteur dit:
Sahaj Marg Teachings recognize that throughout one’s meditation stages, the subconscious impressions are not removed; instead they are like seeds laying in wait until the time to bloom is right. The Sahaj Marg offers very specific techniques, known as cleansing, to remove these sorts of tendencies that we possess and prepare the receiver to receive transmission.
Transmission: this is the other essential and unique element of the teachings of the Sahaj Marg. It is the transfer of energies from the Spirits to the Aspirant. This long sleeping technique is known as pranahuti in Sanskrit, and was rediscovered by the Grand Master of the previous century. The spirits, who are merged with the ultimate, is thus able to transmit the spiritual essence into the deepest level of the Aspirants heart.
Est-ce qu'on voit ici, l'influence de "AJ Bhatter"??
Salut a tous et toutes...
Voici du VBSE ce qu'on enseigne aux enfants...
VBSE Curriculum - Class 9 CHAPTER II - WHO AM I ?
….The following table suggests the common behavioural pattern projected and expected in our day-to-day life.
Mother: Loving, caring and soft
Father Authoritative and a strict disciplinarian
Son: Naughty, negligent and easygoing
Daughter: Disciplined, systematic, well-behaved
Boss: Egoistic, arrogant, rude
Servant: Submissive, sincere and supportive
Therefore with the above mindset all of us are normal in our behaviour but not natural. Children, we find are so very natural and open in their behaviour, but we adults do not allow them to continue with that. We thrust all the norms of society on them and ensure that they adopt it. In due course the naturality of their behaviour is lost and normality of it sets in.
Eg. When a family shifts from one place to another, it is very well known that children make friends easily, while it takes a longer time for adults to get to know each other.
Reasons for not being natural
1. Fear of being rejected.
2. Feeling shy (shyness is another form of ego).
3. A superiority or inferiority complex.
4. Would like to maintain one’s privacy – do not want others to pry into their affairs.
5. Not willing to be open and let others know about their weakness or failings (fear of being judged).
Although SRCM claims that it is “society” or THEM who project these “expectations” on our kids, and who make our kids “un-natural” and that it is the Guru and Sahaj Marg who makes them Spiritual and Natural, see what Chari “Transmits” with his words to our young GIRLS….Does he ever notice and encourage the “nice and quiet girls” to not be “naughty and mischievous”? It is not “SOCIETY” who thinks that of our GIRLS but “OLD MEN” like him….
"You know, I am still young at heart. That’s why I wander around the world; I wink at girls, no? [Laughter] I believe they like it, too, at least the more mischievous, naughty ones! Don’t you? [Abhyasi: Yes.] Aha!"
This is what Chari “projects” on our young men and our young girls about his “superior” culture and our “perverse” western culture. Does this sound like Raja Yoga or Some type of “fundamentailism”? And he thinks that “Scandinavia set the lead”? All is PURE in INDIA and the rest of the world is going to hell unless if SAHAJ MARG saves us. Does that not sound like all other RELIGIONS who INVADE other countries and CULTURES? And he calls his speech RESPECT and RESTRAINT….ARROGANCE!!
Reverence, Respect and Restraint
A talk given by Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari at the Seminar in Vrads Sande, Denmark on 1st November, 2005
We are not always asking for money. Like you have to give your aged parents some money to run the household when you are earning yourself. They look after you when you are young, when you go to school, when you go to college, when you flirt with your first few girlfriends and boyfriends. It is the parents who pay for it. When you grow up and they are sixty, sixty-five, seventy, it is the duty of those same children to look after their parents. Unfortunately, in the Western culture this doesn’t exist, which is a shame. Shame on youth who are all seated before me, young, handsome, strong, virile, but with no care for the elder generation, no respect for them, and even less love. I say again very firmly that this is a shame that old people have to go to geriatric homes, die in isolation, lonely, unloved. I hope you all feel it when you are old. Because you may look beautiful today, handsome, no wrinkles on your face, everybody falling in love with you, bearded young men, all the girls after them. It looks nice. It feels nice. And that love is superb, wonderful. Love is a many splendoured thing. (There was a song in a movie.) This is not love. It is fascination. It is attraction. It is sex. It doesn’t last very long.
This morning as a joke, I said from my window that our cultures are there: you have your culture, I have my culture. In my culture, we marry and then love. In your culture, you love and then marry. I think because you love and marry there are so few really good marriages which are long-lasting, with real love, because once you have sex together, either you break away and say, “Damn it, one more girl, so what?” or you feel compelled to marry the girl because you have had sex with her, and then you hate her all your life. It’s not a good thing. Scandinavia set the lead, and I’m sure God has a special place in hell for Scandinavia. Yes, because this is a perversion of human values. It’s a perversion of putting the cart before the horse. And it’s a perversion because it corrupts marriage, it corrupts human relationships from young age to old age. So beware of your culture where you love and then marry. Get into the habit of marrying and then loving. Because after you marry if you have sex, there is now no more compulsion, you don’t feel obliged to marry her because you are already married to her. And it’s the men who are the biggest sinners, God help them.
Mass control...
Des amateurs ou la même maffia?
Salut a tous et toutes...
Dans l'introduction du VBSE qui est de rigueur a LMOS (Lalaji Memorial OMEGA School, Il y a ce passage:
Begin with recitation of the Mission prayer followed by five minutes of meditation. The meditation technique is not taught but the students are asked to sit quietly with their eyes closed.
C'est a dire que le "brain washing" commence a l'ecole primaire, la premiere classe avec la PRIERE et la MEDITATION qu'ils "n'enseignent pas" mais que les eleves vont tout de meme, sous l'instruction orale des "FRERES et SOUERS", les enseignantes...
PAS DU TOUT COMME BABUJI et certainement dangereux dans le monde ou l'obeissance et l'amour des systemes RELIGIEUX exercent un controle absolut sur les "petits clones" de Chari ou du SRCM
Alertez les Suisses si le SM introduisent une ecole la-bas...
Dans la meme introduction au curriculum VBSE, cette ligne:
Conclude with prayer or quiet meditation.
C'est alors deux fois par classes que les eleves repetent la PRIERE SAHAJ MARG et ca dans un centaines d'ecoles aux INDES. C'a fait beaucoup d'avoues "d'esclaves" qui sont maintenant "NATUREL-lement" des "ESCLAVES" grace au Sahaj Marg..
C'est ca leur "Valeurs SPirituelles"?
"Check the evidence":
Salut a tous et toutes..
Ceci est sur le blog de:
Hi all...
It is strange that a so-called "SPIRITUAL GROUP", who promote a 'VEGETARIAN" diet would call their "RETREAT" by the name of an INSTRUMENT of PAIN for animals.
Spurs are sharp metal spinners worn by RODEO cowboys and/or "horse breakers", on their boots, to "stick into the flanks" of the animals (horses and bulls) so as to inflict pain and make them "buck" for the enjoyment of the MASSES and the PROFIT of the organizers. IS THERE A LESSON HERE? Is there a metaphor here?
IS the metaphor of the SPURS what SAHAJ MARG is doing to the ABHYASIS and their family? Making them buck for the ENJOYMENT and PROFIT of the ELITE?
Animal rights activists have been trying to get SPURS banned for years as "CRUELTY to ANIMALS"...
And who will go to the 28 acre SPURS RANCH for a RETREAT? NOT THE POOR!! It is not aimed at the POOR but at the WEALTHY who will then DONATE (tax write-offs) to a Charitable organization...
This is their PR for the THINKING abhyasis!!
AH! The Simple SPIRITUAL Life at SRCM
This is their PR.
Report by brother S. Krishna Sai, Austin, Texas, USA
Rev. Master had approved the idea for a Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation Retreat Center for the Americas earlier this year, on the auspicious day of Janmashtami (Lord Krishna’s birthday), during the Inaugural CREST course earlier this year.
It is with great joy and happiness we share that Rev. Master has approved the purchase of a 28-acre ranch property in Austin, Texas. The future home of SMSF-Americas Retreat Center will be located about 15 miles south of Austin. It presently has a primary 3 bedroom home (Master’s Cottage) and a 1 bedroom guest home (Caretaker / Director’s Cottage) with a work room which may be converted into a meditation hall. It is a working ranch with a lot of usable flat land, a creek and livestock corral type fencing around the entire perimeter of the property and a secondary fence around the house. It is located in the hub of Yoga/spiritual activity in Central Texas.
Rev. Master gave us the following guidance on the purpose of a retreat center during his talk on 9th August 2006: “… souls yearning for rest from glamour of this world, from the insistence on money-making, from the demands of power structures – lay all that behind us, and go there and relax, bring our souls to pristine purity and meditate, introspect, do some writing if you wish to do so …”
In Europe it's Castles, in America it' s "ranches"...and in the hub of "spiritual" Texas?? (a center of religious "immigration" destination with their "religions"??)
SPURS RANCH is a 28 acre ranch, just outside Austin, Texas...
Santosh Khanjee, in charge of "external and international affairs" for SRCM is a developer in the Austin area where he is PRESIDENT of LOTUS HOTELS, and has another development in Austin of one hotel and two restaurants.
Tourism to Austin is good for business for Santosh and he will PROMOTE it to the hilt.
What is good for God is good for Santosh... People have to eat and sleep somewhere...The poor abhyasis, they will eat rice and sleep on the floor or outside unless they PAY for inside accomodations and for better FOOD... and THEY WILL!!
SAHAJ MARG is just trying to SPUR you on!! lol Whine you sheep for the PLEASURE OF THE ELITE (Brahmin)!!
"The Sahaj Marg offers very specific techniques, known as cleansing, to remove these sorts of tendencies that we possess and prepare the receiver to receive transmission."
L'enseignement de la SRCMtm ne semble pas être de bonne qualité quand on lit ça: Les samskaras seraient donc des sortes de tendances...
Si les samskaras peuvent être nettoyés, ce n'est pas la cause de notre enchainnement.
A la SRCMtm, on est visiblement focalisé sur le nettoyage des samskaras, la réduction de l'égo, la finance et la propagande, autant dire des niveaux très fins de spiritualité.
Un enseignement spirituel qui ne se focalise que sur le nettoyage des samskaras n'offre rien de mieux que le salut à ses adeptes.
Un samskara peut être recréé sans fin par un système mental qui constitue plus vraisemblablement notre enchainnement.
Comment réduire l'impact des vasanas? Par le service aux 3M (Monney & Mind Manipulation)?
"Transmission: this is the other essential and unique element of the teachings of the Sahaj Marg. It is the transfer of energies from the Spirits to the Aspirant."
Mama mia !!
Ce que fait la SRCMtm:
a. It creates division among people.
b. It talks of "one God" but states that only their Master (God) is the best.
c. It promotes disharmony, violence and wars.
d. The real meaning of the tenets is forgotten and only the rituals are adhered to.
e. It puts fear and temptations into the hearts of the people.
All the prefects in the world say the same thing i.e. "seek within". But do they? The answer is NO. They seek outside expanding more and more the toxic 3M program.
...SRCMtm enforces an externalization of the mind in man’s search for God. (the service to the 3M)
SRCMtm requires belief and faith.
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