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La Shri Ram Chandra Mission a été classée comme secte dans un rapport parlementaire français. Avant d'adhérer, informez vous !

439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

8 février 2014

Sahaj Marg et préjugés

Rebelote, Chari persiste et signe : “Don’t waste time” le 1er janvier, “Here and now” le 2 février.
“(…) Babuji Maharaj has been emphasising repeatedly in his Whispers messages that human life is short; even if you live two hundred years it is still short. When are we going to realise that life will not go along as we expect it to do? Every day we hear of loved ones departing – even at birth and from then on at any age that you want to specify for yourself: six years, twelve years, fourteen years, eighteen years, twenty-five years, thirty years, forty years, people suddenly coming to an end, and people suffering for months or years and then passing away. (...) Nobody can predict when anybody's end will come. (.. ) I am not trying to be morbid. I am not trying to put the fear of God into you or anything like that. I am only telling you the reality of human life, what it holds for us in terms of longevity, and what we have to do within the time available to us in this life. This is a very serious matter. (...) When we are born we begin to die; tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, we are going towards death. Every second that passes is ticking off a second in our lives. (...) So remember, time is short, the way is long – towards infinity. That is where; that is the length of the voyage we have to undertake; and the time given to us varies according to each one's lifetime, of which we know nothing, of which we can never know anything. (…)”
Chari est obsédé par le temps qui passe. Inquiet, il compte les secondes qui s’égrènent et le rapprochent inéluctablement de la mort. Et il ajoute dans ce discours pour la célébration de l’anniversaire de la naissance de Lalaji :
“(...) It is not enough to make resolutions, resolutions must be carried out. Is the spirit of brotherhood growing amongst us? Is there love between all of us? Have we been able to cast away all prejudice and judgemental attitudes, at least between the brotherhood? These are important questions to be asked, and for each one of you to ask of yourself, because I find there are still unfortunately instances of hatred, mudslinging. (...)”
La vie est courte et nul ne sait quand elle prendra fin. Il faut abandonner ses préjugés, ne pas calomnier ni haïr, ici et maintenant, sans remettre au lendemain.
Chari va-t-il donner l’exemple et abandonner ses préjugés, cesser de calomnier les homosexuels, haïr les autres religions, mais aussi de mépriser les femmes ou les sidéens, de jalouser les riches etc. etc. ?
Ce vieillard prétentieux devrait commencer par faire lui-même ce qu’il conseille aux autres, cesser de faire de la procrastination et donner l’exemple, mais cela ne semble pas inscrit à son ordre du jour personnel.
Heureusement, tout le monde n’est pas bourré de préjugés comme Chari. Certaines autorités morales et religieuses ont plus d’humanité que ce gourou pseudo-spirituel. Le Pape François sait reconnaître l’être humain derrière une orientation sexuelle quand Chari ne milite que pour l’égalité entre groupes ethniques.
