La Shri Ram Chandra Mission n'est pas la seule organisation à proposer des méthodes de méditation. La transmission dont elle est si fière se traduit souvent par un asservissement qui fait perdre tout repère et isole inéluctablement l'individu de son environnement.
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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

2 février 2011

Le "Brighter World" des Hindous et des médiums


Apparamment, notre Medium(e), ne comprend pas le Français.

Il parait que Babuji, même s'il habite au Brighter World, ne comprends pas le language de Dieu, le Français (ou le Latin ... Romain, Grec ou Grecque, Hébreux, ...). lol lol

Nous savons bien, depuis Jeanne d'Arc, que Dieu parle Français, et si on en croit l'histoire (la "VRAIE ??"), Dieu préfère les Français aux Anglais. Alors Babuji, étant maintenant illuminé en TOUT, s'il est vraiement dans la Région Centrale ou au Paradis, devrait parler le Français (et tout language) ou au moins le comprendre ... ;-))

Les erreurs de grammaire et de syntaxe dans ces "inter communications" sont disants, et nous disent que c'est belle et bien des "HUMAINS" qui jouent avec le monde et pas des esprits élevés ou sages qui devrait tout savoir... apparamment! Ou pourquoi devrait-on les croire plus que les "vivants" ... Les fous sur terre deviennent-ils(elles)magiquement des sages de l'autre côté ... Les menteurs sur terre, deviennent-ils(elles) magiquement des gens honnêtes de l'autre côté? Les Racistes et les homophobes sur terre, deviennent-ils plus sympathiques envers les souffrances des autres? Pas Babuji qui, selon notre Médium(e), méprise encore les homosexuels. Et le fantôme de Babuji ne dit rien de son RACISME de son vivant.

Selon les Hindoux, ça continue et ça ne s'arrête pas au Brighter World, la VIE, mais nous revenons tous au cycles de la vie et la mort, selon notre Karma ("samskaras", pour les abhyasis du Sahaj Marg(tm), jusqu'à notre LIBÉRATION !!

Mais pas pour les abhyasis! Eux, ils vont au ciel! Leurs "Brighter World" directement ... et même au Centre du Ciel?? C'est préferable!! lol lol ( Il n'y a pas d'ombre au Centre) ... La Lumière imaginaire n'est pour eux pas seulement énergie et/ou de la matière, mais c'est même plus désirable que l'ESPRIT ... Ce sont donc des matérialistes et des Spiritualistes, pas des SPIRITUELS, puisqu'ils préferrent la Lumière à la l'esprit !! Dieu est ESPRIT??

Ils font des erreurs de théologie! Dieu n'est pas si HUMAIN!! Dieu n'est pas LUMIÈRE! Dieu n'est pas MATIÈRE! Dieu n'est pas RACISTE, our Homophobe. Dieu ne choisit pas l'épouse de son fils selon la: complexion de la peau, la hauteur ou la "coupe"!! Apparamment, selon la Bible Chrétienne, Dieu a choisit une Juive (Marie) pour Joseph, pas une Européenne avec la complexion plus BLANCHE!! Et pas une Noire d'Afrique!!

Dieu est ESPRIT?? Fantaisie? Ou, le RIEN du Boudhisme?
Il faut en rire parce que c'est pas Drôle!! lol lol ;-))


9 commentaires:

Alexis a dit…

Babujis messenger ne comprend pas le français et lit les commentaires qu'il/elle reçoit très tard.
Je le lui ai envoyé, comme à Elodie, mardi 25 janvier. Je viens donc de lui poster la version anglaise traduite par Don. Peut-être la découvrira-t-il/elle dans une semaine ?
En réalité, Erin (je crois beaucoup plus à elle qu'à il, d'où mon utilisation du pseudo Erin)suit très bien ce que nous écrivons, au moins sur le blog de Don à défaut des blogs en français.
Elle était juste embarassée d'un message dont elle ne savait que faire. On verra donc ce qu'elle décide de faire de la version anglaise.
Copie en anglais à babujis messenger

LéA a dit…

Les Hindous croient en un cycle de la vie, pour les Bouddhistes la mort est un processus inverse à la naissance. Le brighter world du Sahaj Marg semble plus proche des définitions du paradis chrétien.
“The group claims that there is a place they call "Brighter World" where elevated souls of this cult go after they die.” (Purplehaze 901 sur le web, cité par Alexis)
Votre gourou dit : “we have to evolve into what I would like to call a knowledge-less universe or world, which Sahaj Marg calls the Brighter World” (Discours aux enseignants de LMOIS le 5/09/2009).
Son prédécesseur disait : “The end of religion is the beginning of spirituality; the end of spirituality is the beginning of Reality and the end of Reality is the real Bliss. When that too is gone, we have reached the destination.” (Babuji)
Dans tous les cas, mort paradis ou brighter world, c’est la fin des souffrances liées à la vie. “The teacher of teachers, you know, is only God. The second teacher is the guru. The third teacher is your life. For those who have no access to God or guru, life teaches very capably, provided you take life as a lesson to be learnt, to be mastered, and from which we have to evolve into what I would like to call a knowledge-less universe or world, which Sahaj Marg calls the Brighter World. Unfortunately, we all treat life as something to be enjoyed. I don’t know how many of you are familiar with Sahaj Marg, how many of you actually practice it, and how many of you read the literature — because Babuji’s messages from the Brighter World, transmitted to us and published in two volumes already under the title Whispers from the Brighter World, emphasises again and again this point that suffering is a blessing from God..” (Discours de Chari aux enseignants de LMOIS le 5/09/2009)

Elodie a dit…

Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Monsieur "Babujis messenger" a répondu ceci sur son blog le mercredi 2 février :
This is for the person who has left comments on my blog
*I am a MAN (en gras et en rouge) not a women
*I do not publish the comments you leave me on my blog as they are not relevent to the subject of this blog which is BABUJIS messages-if you want to debate who i am/what my motives are/why im doing this then you are free to do it in your own space on your blog but thats not what this space is for
You may have had a bad experience with Sahaj Marg but there are thousands of people who have a wonderful experience with it every single day and these messages are for them.
I hope this clears up any questions you had
To all the other readers of this blog-i am in no way affiliated with any other blogs about Sahaj Marg-i am simply here to publish messages i receive from BABUJI (en gras et souligné)
Thank you

Elodie a dit…

Ci-dessous un extrait du blog d'Erin du 9/11 intitulé Conversations with Babuji, à comparer au message intitulé "Post 2" de Babujis messenger du 13/11. C'est totalement identique. Babujis messenger = Erin = XXX, quand est-ce qu'il ou elle a menti, peut-être tout le temps ?
Royaume-uni ou Australie, là encore il faut choisir, mais après tout c'est peut-être l'Inde. Pourquoi pas catherine lauret elle-même, cela simplifierai les choses : il n'y aurait qu'un seul médium.

Please can you tell me the real reason Ajay resigned from his post?
"Not Ajays path" he is looking at the floor "politics caused this" he is telling me "too many politics, follow the teachings, not those for money"
I ask him if this was why Ajay stepped down and he says
"No, intimidation and change of path caused Ajay step away"
he is telling me there is controversy surrounding him.
"many people being led astray from enlightenment and truth"
I asked him if this was because of Ajay and he says
"No, there are many who lost their way, too many question things that have become"
He wont say any more about this topic but tells me "they need to go back to truth, not deception" I am being shown a map, I see France, I do not know what that particular connection is to him, but says "Needs work" .

Elodie a dit…

Erin est une juriste anglaise, une professionnelle connue et de bonne réputation, selon Rose, qui la connaît bien.
C’est aussi la mère de Peter, boyfriend d’une jolie petite abhyasi dénommée Lucy. Curieuse, mais sans a priori aucun pour ou contre le Sahaj Marg et la Shri Ram Chandra Mission (nous dit-elle), elle a consulté les sites internet pour et contre la SRCM. Intriguée, elle a voulu en avoir le cœur net. Elle est donc allée pour la première fois de sa vie consulter une médium reconnue (qui ne connaissait rien au Sahaj Marg).

Babujis messenger est un homme qui dit être de Sydney en Australie :
This blog has been created as a space to publish messages from Ram Chandra also known as Babuji of Sahaj Marg. I believe everyone who wants to should have a chance to see messages from Babuji. THIS BLOG IS FREE AND IT ALWAYS WILL BE. I AM NOT LIKED TO ANY OTHER BLOGS ABOUT SAHAJ MARG SO IF YOU FOUND YOUR WAY HERE FROM ANOTHER BLOG THEN I DID NOT SET UP THAT LINK. I have a full time job which involves travelling around the world. I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and 5 children: Three boys and twin girls. But enough about me! ~~ENJOY READING THIS BLOG~~

Quel est le mensonge ? Il ne peut être nulle part, il est probablement partout.

Anonyme a dit…

From Orkut Community: Freedom From SRCM (Sahaj Marg(tm)

Who said this, Lalaji or Chari?? Or NO-ONE?

Hi all

This is an example of the "nebulous" PR statements that spiritualist RELIGIONS and Scammers use.

This is from their own site:

Revered Babuji Maharaj (1899 -1983)
It has been said that while Lalaji was in a super-conscious state contemplating a successor to take forward his spiritual work, the form of Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur appeared to him. Lalaji started transmitting his own spiritual condition to his presumed successor, thus attracting this special personality towards him. Ram Chandra later became Lalaji’s spiritual representative and was affectionately known as Babuji to thousands of his devotees.

Who said that? Give us a NAME please!! Can you trust someone who records the history of the alleged appointment of their FOUNDER by a SUFI Master, from another discipline, by: "It has been said...". It has been said by WHOM? By the SCAMMERS themselves?

No on else! They simply made it up!

And then the SUFI Master, Lalaji, still has his own "spiritual representatives" and his own "societies", so he must not have been in real "super-consciousness" because he would not have appointed anyone else. And that is what he did. His LEGITIMATE successors are everywhere. Dr. Chatterbuy, (Ramashram) and many more ... all legitimate SUFIS still teaching the Sufi teachings of Lalaji, not the teachings of Babuji and Chari ...

Their PR is a LIE sold under the fantasy intro of children's fairy tales, akin to: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away... etc...

And it is aimed at ADULTS? Not really! Chari wants a dynasty and to go down in history so they are targeting women (believers in fantasies, and fiction) to bring the CHILDREN ...

Cyril Borg

Anonyme a dit…


But the INTERNET is the tool that will expose the charlatans, the SPIRITUALISTS and the scammers.

Some don't believe "evidence" when it is presented to them but believe a story that is obviously made up as it begins: "It has been said"

One could add ... by the profiteers, the scammers, the liars, the weavers of fairy tales and fantasies, the spiritualists who pretend to be SPIRITUAL by usurping the techniques of other "HONEST" men: (Patanjali (raja yoga), Lalaji (sufism)), and perverting (modifying) it so as to "SELL" to the gullible in the marketplace, and make money and satisfy the EGO by being adulated by naive "women" and greedy men.

It has been said by businessmen, It has been said by "marketers".

And Ram Chandra did not become Lalaji's successor or his "spiritual representative". The REAL story is that 14 years after Lalaji's death (1931), although Babuji had met him only a few times, according to his JOURNALS, he founded his own Shri Ram Chandra Mission (1945) and named himself President and claimed that Lalaji had told him in his dreams that he was his successor.

No Board of Directors from Lalaji's organizations accepted Babuji or named him Lalaji's successor ... Babuji named himself.

And then, 52 years later (1997), Chari did the same thing to Babuji's organizations as he attempted to do to Lalaji's MISSION (see on NaqshMuMra Nexus, site of Lalaji's family, Babuji letter of Feb. 14, 1963). HE TOOK IT OVER, named himself Master and President, without asking permission. (see State of California registry for societies)

In business, it's called a "hostile take-over". In Human terms, it is called: Immoral, un-ethical and dishonest.

The Mayans would say: It was meant to be (their "long-count" calendar is predominated by multiplbes of "52" (26, 13, etc). You will also notice the pre-dominance of "14" in this whole story. 1+4= 5, the five-pointed star of Magic!

Some have said that Lalaji's clan used "spiritual techniques" on Babuji. On Chari?

Cyril Borg

4d-Don a dit…


Je viens de voire ce site...

Les Bahai ont prit l'article que plusieurs de nous (Don, Shashwat, Micheal, Christian, Alexis, Elodie, etc...) avaient préparé et publié sur Wikipedia. Ils en ont fait un article pour leurs site.

Cet article avait été effacé à la suite d'une bataille sur Wikipedia, que nous avions perdu, bien que récemment, j'ai pu y ajouter plusieurs de nos recherches. L'opposition semble parti.

Alors j'avais publié nos articles sur deux blogs: Lessons from Sahaj Marg, et un autre sous le nom: Lessons from Shri Ram Chandra Mission, sous un le nom d'une autre personne
Au cas!! ;-))

Maintenant, le Bahai Studies, en on fait un article sur leurs site.


Anonymous French Lady Medium a dit…

Je vous offre ma modeste contribution pour prouver que Babujis messenger est un moins que rien.

Je lui ai envoyé un gentil message de la la part de la petite fille de Chariji :
“Hello, I am Madhuri. My grandfather said Krishna is to old, Barghav too young to manage the mission in the future. Dad and my brother are unhappy, I am afraid what they will do. What will happen? What can I do? What do you think about it?”

Comme vous le verrez sur son blog, il m’a répondu ça :
“M****** please email me regarding your comment
Dear M******
You left a comment on my blog earlier asking some questions.
Please email me personally on so that i may answer your questions as they are of a personal nature and would be best discussed in private.
Also so that i can verify that it is actually you asking these questions as it may be someone who writes an anti Sahaj Marg blog pretending to be you........
Thank you »

J’ai bien senti le cout venir mais je lui ai quand même envoyé un mail pour voir ce qu’il allait faire : « of course iam madhurai »

Voila donc enfin sa réponse finale :
There is a very sad, nasty and immoral person who sends me messages pretending to be MASTERS granddaughter-Babuji has told me that this person is not who they say they are. I work with computers so i asked this person to send me an email so i could trace it and as i suspected it has not been sent from where MASTERS granddaughter is based.
This person is very very stupid-we must all pray that they find the right path and stop being so bitter against Sahaj Marg. If they do not approve of Sahaj Marg they should move on with their lives and stop reading this blog. If they continue to read this Blog maybe they should actually admit that they want to be a part of Sahaj Marg-THE GREATEST SPIRITUAL GROUP ON EARTH!!!!!
I will say no more on this subject.
I send out love to all the haters may BABUJI bless you and help you find the right path”

Il a du attendre que je lui renvoie un email avant d'être sûr que je n'était pas la personne annoncée. Pourquoi il n’a pas envoyé son dernier message aussitôt mon premier envoi ?
Ou bien il ne croit pas suffisamment à ce que lui dit Babuji et comme St Thomas doit en voir les preuves informatiques, ou bien Babuji ne le renseigne pas du tout d'ou sont besoin de preuve.Il ne devrait pas dire You can never fool Babuji mais You can never fool my computer.
Bon, tout ça c'est rien que des conneries, Catherine Erin et Babujis messenger sont des usurpateurs. Je suis la seule à recevoir les messages de Babuji, Lalaji et Sulochana, la seule à alimenter quotidiennement Whispers from the Brighter World, je suis AFLM, the Anonymous French Lady Medium et je vous mets au défi de prouver le contraire.