Voici la réponse de Shashwat aux questions d'Alexis :
K. C Narayana was part of the meeting of Feb 84 and as well as june 83, kasturi was never part of administrative block of SRCM.
Narayana opposed Chari's nomination letter and was part of the meeting held in Feb 84 as well, which rejected the claim of both Chari and Sharad Saxena.
This information is available in the working committe meeting document which i had uploaded previously, but due to lack of space i have only important documents online. (I have to spend more money to buy more space, I am already paying a hefty sum per month for the site.)
Prakash was never a candidate for president of SRCM, i don't know from where this information has come out, but as far as I know, Prakash was never a presidential canditate for SRCM, on the contrary Prakash Saxena was the founding member of SRCM and his name is present in the list of founding members in the original constitution of SRCM (at number 11). see documents section of my site for more details.
First meeting which was held immediately after the founder died was on 10 June 1983, in this meeting two people presented their candidature for president of SRCM.
One was from chari and other one was from sharad saxena, son of prakash chandra (who was a founding member and not a candidate).
No decision was taken in the meeting of june-10-83, but it was agreed that decision will be taken in the next meeting.
Chari called everyone one by one and asked them to either accept him or leave the mission. (Manbhawati Devi was one such person who was called by Chari, she rejected Chari).
I Hope this is clear now, although most of this has already been cleared by Puneet saxena, (interview is available on youtube).
I will summarize it as:-
1. Founder died on 19th April 1983.
2. Meeting of working committee of SRCM was held on 10th June 1983, in which P. Rajagopalachari and Sharad Saxena presented their claims for nomination. (Umesh did not present his claim in the first meeting) no decision was taken at that time, it was agreed in the meeting that both the claims will be examined and decision will be taken in next meeting.
3. P. Rajagopalachari started influencing members. between 1st meeting and second meeting (according to Manbhawti Devi).
4. During this period, Umesh Chandra presented his claim.
5. Second Meeting (scheduled in 10th June 1983 meeting) took place on 6th and 7th Feb 1984 (two days).
6. In this meeting all the 3 claims were examined and Umesh Chandra was declared as president as his nomination letter was considered to be genuine by the members of the working committee.
Following people were present in the meeting:-
1. Mr. P.C Chaturvedi (Chairman of the meeting)
2. Mr. P.C Saxena.
3. Mr. B.M Heble
4. Mr. R. Rajagopalachari
5. Mr. R.L Mimani
6. Mr K.V Subba Rao
7. V.R Vipat
8. Dr. S.P Shrivastava
9. Mr. K.C Narayana
K. C Narayana was part of the meeting of Feb 84 and as well as june 83, kasturi was never part of administrative block of SRCM.
Narayana opposed Chari's nomination letter and was part of the meeting held in Feb 84 as well, which rejected the claim of both Chari and Sharad Saxena.
This information is available in the working committe meeting document which i had uploaded previously, but due to lack of space i have only important documents online. (I have to spend more money to buy more space, I am already paying a hefty sum per month for the site.)
Prakash was never a candidate for president of SRCM, i don't know from where this information has come out, but as far as I know, Prakash was never a presidential canditate for SRCM, on the contrary Prakash Saxena was the founding member of SRCM and his name is present in the list of founding members in the original constitution of SRCM (at number 11). see documents section of my site for more details.
First meeting which was held immediately after the founder died was on 10 June 1983, in this meeting two people presented their candidature for president of SRCM.
One was from chari and other one was from sharad saxena, son of prakash chandra (who was a founding member and not a candidate).
No decision was taken in the meeting of june-10-83, but it was agreed that decision will be taken in the next meeting.
Chari called everyone one by one and asked them to either accept him or leave the mission. (Manbhawati Devi was one such person who was called by Chari, she rejected Chari).
I Hope this is clear now, although most of this has already been cleared by Puneet saxena, (interview is available on youtube).
I will summarize it as:-
1. Founder died on 19th April 1983.
2. Meeting of working committee of SRCM was held on 10th June 1983, in which P. Rajagopalachari and Sharad Saxena presented their claims for nomination. (Umesh did not present his claim in the first meeting) no decision was taken at that time, it was agreed in the meeting that both the claims will be examined and decision will be taken in next meeting.
3. P. Rajagopalachari started influencing members. between 1st meeting and second meeting (according to Manbhawti Devi).
4. During this period, Umesh Chandra presented his claim.
5. Second Meeting (scheduled in 10th June 1983 meeting) took place on 6th and 7th Feb 1984 (two days).
6. In this meeting all the 3 claims were examined and Umesh Chandra was declared as president as his nomination letter was considered to be genuine by the members of the working committee.
Following people were present in the meeting:-
1. Mr. P.C Chaturvedi (Chairman of the meeting)
2. Mr. P.C Saxena.
3. Mr. B.M Heble
4. Mr. R. Rajagopalachari
5. Mr. R.L Mimani
6. Mr K.V Subba Rao
7. V.R Vipat
8. Dr. S.P Shrivastava
9. Mr. K.C Narayana
7. After this meeting, S.A Sarnad (who was appointed secretory of SRCM in 1982 by the founder) circulated the appointment of U.C Saxena as president of SRCM on 15 Feb 1984.
8. P.C Chaturvedi who was chairman of the committee which appointed Umesh Chandra Saxena as president of SRCM is father of Kasturi Chaturvedi, (who some say drifted towards Chari, then moved away from him) but while talking to me, she did not mention that she ever endorsed Chari's nomination as president, she told me that Chari was never appointed as President of SRCM, which is consistent with the resolution adopted in 1983-84 meeting's.
What followed there after is legal battle, which is continuing even today.
9. According to K.V Reddy, who was overseas secretory of SRCM since 1980, K.C Narayana was neutral till 1991, started his own group ISRC with a commitment to umesh chandra that his group will be merged in his, once the legal skirmishes are over.
8. P.C Chaturvedi who was chairman of the committee which appointed Umesh Chandra Saxena as president of SRCM is father of Kasturi Chaturvedi, (who some say drifted towards Chari, then moved away from him) but while talking to me, she did not mention that she ever endorsed Chari's nomination as president, she told me that Chari was never appointed as President of SRCM, which is consistent with the resolution adopted in 1983-84 meeting's.
What followed there after is legal battle, which is continuing even today.
9. According to K.V Reddy, who was overseas secretory of SRCM since 1980, K.C Narayana was neutral till 1991, started his own group ISRC with a commitment to umesh chandra that his group will be merged in his, once the legal skirmishes are over.
7 commentaires:
Merci Shashwat pour ces éclaircissements,
J’ai peut-être confondu Prakash avec Sharad, à vérifier…
Maintenant, ce que je ne comprends pas, c’est l’attitude de Narayana. Il a dit à Christian et d’autres qu’il reconnaissait la présidence de Chari, alors que selon toi il a participé au working comittee qui a désigné Umesh Chandra. D’ailleurs, il a été entre 1983 et 1991 sous les ordres de Chari… C’est bizarre, drôle de comportement !
Salut tous et toutes...
Nous avons mis une chansons (anglais) sur notre site:
The GOD-MAN!! ( ou Shashwat l'appelle: "Sahaj Marg is not for me")
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Bon voyages a tous... sur votre sentier SPIRITUEL...
Its not strange behavior its sahaj marg behavior, after personally talking to many people infected by sahaj marg diseases, i have come to this conclusion, that anyone who practices sahaj marg system of meditation, (imagining transmission, the prayer, birthday celebrations etc) is bound to become illogical, stupid and inconsistent, they will refuse to accept what they were preaching a moment back.
These effects are inherent to this practice, which is a kind of hypnoses process, and since the infected person is left free in our society, they loose complete control on themselves and behave like a "zombie".
From A to Z this system is non-sense.
As for statement of Narayana, they all were broken away from Umesh one by one by Chari, if you listen to interview of Dinaysh kumar (grandson of lalaji), he repeatedly said, that chari married his children only get him away from Umesh.
to some he gave money, some he threatened.. like S.A Sarnad, he was threatened by goons of chari when he opposed the petition filed by Chari in Kolkotta high court, he was intimidated and was forced to abandon Umesh.
Chari has money and help of some police officials, like U.S bajpai, A.P Durai, and others.
Chari tried using similar tactics on us, when he sent a working police official on orkut, where he is asking everyone to unjoin any community on orkut, by putting his official credentials in signature...
This is Chari's tactics of intimidation, on all this creature (Chari) claims that he is a human and that too a spiritual one.
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I believe that we will find out that the SRCM legal structure from Chari group is by now empty of material value because this has been tranferred to the other legal entities (foundation, school, hatsoever). This is clever foresight in case the legal dispute about SRCM will be lost by Chari group. Handing over SRCM to Indian SRCM will not cost a lot in this scenario, because everything is well protected in newly created legal vehicles.
En France, pour l'anniversaire de Chari, les abhyasis sont invités à méditer à 4 heures du matin (pour être en phase avec ceux de tiruppur), puis à 7h30 et de nouveau à 17h30 le 24 juillet...
Une 82ème année bien mémorable…
Crise financière, crise morale, crise d'ego… crise tout court !
Petit retour sur une année de discours exceptionnels :
24 octobre 2008 : C'est la crise !
10 janvier 2009 : La SRCM va imploser
2 février : Whispers, le retour
21 mars : Rendez Moi heureux
31 mai : Il faut se lever tôt !
Remettons les choses à notre sauce :
Chari annonce que la SRCM risque d'imploser et qu'il n'y a plus d'argent. Chari reconnaît qu'il est le premier responsable des erreurs du passé. Il a privilégié la quantité au lieu de la qualité.
Donc, pour faire amende honorable, Chari décrète l'austérité financière pour la SRCM et met en garde les abhyasis dans la gestion de leurs propres budgets. Louable intention qu'il assortit du doublement des cotisations françaises et de l'annonce qu'il va leur ponctionner aussi 4 fois 150 € sur 4 ans pour la "bible" du Sahaj Marg. Contre toute attente, il choisit de l'éditer en version de luxe, qu'il interdit de reproduire avant 2030 ou 35, alors qu'il aurait pu l'éditer à moindre frais ou permettre d'en retarder l'achat.
Pour ramener la qualité, Chari réclame de la discipline (servir et obéir), impose de nouveaux horaires inabordables pour la plupart des gens, et décrète qu'on doit le rendre heureux en toutes circonstances…
Décidément, il ne manque vraiment pas d'air. Les abhyasis ont bon dos. Il commence à les trier et le résultat ne fait pas de doutes : seuls resteront les moutons les mieux disciplinés.
Obéissance ou spiritualité ? Lui, il a choisi…
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