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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

19 mai 2013

Les gastro-entérites du Sahaj Marg


114th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Pujya Babuji Maharaj (Echoes of India, mai 2013)

Résumé des célébrations du 114ème anniversaire de la naissance de Babuji : un Kamlesh Patel en grand ordonnateur des 4 jours de cérémonie, qui rappelle le « Grand Plan de Régénération de l’Humanité » selon Whispers, à quelques 33 000 personnes présentes, adultes et enfants réunis et qui célèbre rien moins que 16 mariages.
Le rapporteur de ces événements ne sait plus que dire sinon que de se répandre sur la merveilleuse organisation de ces journées qui a permis de ramener le nombre de gastro-entérites et autres touristas de 202 cas l’an passé à seulement 102 cette année.
Heureusement, l’annonce d’un message vidéo de Chari détend un peu l’atmosphère. L’annonce de l’organisation de célébrations pour l’anniversaire de Chari à Tiruppur en juillet permet de clore ces journées sur une note un peu plus optimiste.

“(…) On Sunday 28th May, Br Kamlesh conducted five weddings after the morning satsanghs. (…)
He read out two of Babuji’s messages from the Whispers and explained the role of the abhyasi in the grand plan of regeneration of humanity.
When the announcement was made on 29th about Master’s expected address the next day through video telecast, the rejoicement of abhyasis was palpable.(…)
In addition to the weddings on 28th, Br Kamlesh conducted four weddings on 29th, three weddings on 30th and four weddings on 1st. These weddings in the Sahaj Marg way, stand for simplicity and a way of integrating families across the boundaries of cultures and languages.
33,000 abhyasis and children took part in this year’s celebration. (…)
How would one explain a kitchen that cooked for 25,000 people on an average, thrice a day, yet managed a near ‘zero wastage’? The campus had twentythree security posts from where our abhyasi brothers were working in three shifts a day. The brothers and sisters in the accommodation team, who were the first to start work nearly two months ago, made our stay comfortable within the confines of our limited resources. It was hard to miss the absence of flies in the campus, especially in the kitchen and canteen. The hygiene house, sanitation and housekeeping teams worked in unison to give us a healthy and comfortable stay. They spent sleepless nights while ensuring our comfort and spent their resting time amidst barrels containing organic septic tank dousing solution, sanitisers and segregated waste. The result of their hard work is evident from the the fact that in the 2012 bhandara, 202 cases of gastroenteritis were recorded at the medical facility. This year it was only 102 cases of travel diarrhoea and no case of on campus occurrence. Another reason for this was the drinking water treated in the RO plant. Given the hot weather of Tiruppur, 6 lakh litres of RO treated drinking water and 24 lakh litres of water for other usage were consumed in these three days.None could have missed the wi-fi enabled travel desk consisting of twelve counters which catered to the travel needs of abhyasis.
Several new publications were released during these celebrations. Some special releases, some new books and videos as well as some reprints in several languages were part of this release. There was an overwhelming array of Mission publications to choose from. A photo gallery extended this with beautiful framed photographs of our Masters. (…)
The added bliss came on the last day when it was officially announced that beloved Master’s birthday celebration will be held at Tiruppur this year. Time has once again started ticking towards that occasion, when the beloved would fill our hearts with love.”

Les effets des préjugés et de l'auto-jugement sur notre vie spirituelle (Vidéo discours de Chari du 1er janvier 2013) :
Chari a tenté de convaincre ses lions et moutons de ne pas préjuger ni juger.
Voici ce qu’il disait dans un discours du 12 octobre 2010 : “(…) So you see, it is from below to the top or the other way down, when churches condone same-sex marriages, perform same-sex marriages. Soon a day will come when perhaps, in Athens or Barcelona or somewhere, you will find a man marrying a cow. (...)”
Que celui qui n’a jamais pêché lui jette la première pierre, Chari ferait mieux de balayer devant sa porte.


1 commentaire:

Alexis a dit…

@ Elodie,
Préjugés de Chari : tu peux ajouter Bill Gates ou le Pape, etc...
C'est ce qu'il y a de bien avec la SRCM, on est jamais déçu : Ceux qui la critiquent ont des préjugés et la jugent, eux sont irréprochables...