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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

7 décembre 2009

Encore NaqshMuMRa !

Dinesh Kumar Saxena, petit-fils de Lalaji, continue de cultiver sa différence avec la Shri Ram Chandra Mission.
Il vient de créer un nouveau site internet intitulé "The NaqshMuMRa School of Spirituality"

Il y évoque de nombreuses choses :

- Naqsbandia lineage of Fatehgarh
- Nisbat
- Laalaaji Nilayam and its eponym
- importance of hath yoga in NaqshMuMRa esoterism
- Real goal of human life
- the Cleaning
- the Prayer and its practice
- the Meditation
- the Bay't
- Aromatic saints of NaqshMuMRa lineage
- Parampujya Laalaaji's vasihatnama
- Nectar of Proximity


8 commentaires:

4d-Don a dit…


Ton lien: "NaqshMuMRa School of Spirituality" me donne une erreur ...

Voici le "lien" a mettre dans ton Blog ...

Don ...

Alexis a dit…

Encore & toujours

Dinaysh ne s'arrête plus de marquer sa difference ! En dehors de lui, point de salut. Tous les autres disciples de son grand-père Lalaji nous livrent une bouillie mal réchauffée de son enseignement.

Fragments et commentaires :
However, after his departure beyond the veil, this great group prepared by Laalaaji, schism occurred and split into smaller ones, in the absence of written directives.
Some of the Spiritual descendants in the ‘Laalaaji’s lineage’ are neither able to sever their connections with the cloister named as ‘Laalaaji Nilayam’ nor they are able to become an epitome of renunciation of the Laalaaji’s idol. This is because the Mission of the current generation is somewhat else. As a result, the self declared Gurus are standing at a bipartite-road. On the one hand, they have a great empire they have created through their ‘sales and marketing skills’ in the name of spirituality and on the other hand they have magnetism of Laalaaji’s love and its magnitude.
Resorting into the same context let me add one instance of Mahatma Dr. Chaturbhuj Sahay, the founder Saint of ‘Raamaashram Satsang Mathura’, one of the trusted disciples of Param Pujya Laalaaji Saahib, who has written (as narrated by his worthy son, Shri Hemendra Kumar) that it so happened that once, Doctor Saahib was sitting in the main room (used exclusively for the Satsang) in the house of Laalaaji Maharaaj in Fatehgarh (UP). Meanwhile a man to whom Doctor Saahib had not seen earlier, entered in and asked him for the pending claim of two installments, which were lying unpaid in his accounts, from the loan amount Laalaaji had taken for the house-building purpose. Doctor Saahib was not aware about this and as a result, both of them were looking at the faces of each other. Soon after Laalaaji Saahib entered in and addressed the person who was a money lender, from whom he had taken a loan of Rs. 500/- (five hundred) for the construction of his house. He regretted for the said two unpaid installments of the loan amount. In fact, Doctor Saahib was lost in the contemplation of the countenance of his Satguru and, as a result, he had developed the incarnate form of his Spiritual Master. This had made the whole scene upside-down for the moneylender and for Doctor Chaturbhuj Sahay, as well.
My true Supreme Guide and Preceptor in human form, Dr. Shyaam Laal Ji (another trusted disciple of Pujya Laalaaji Saahib) often used to say that the Saints are the embodiment of Truth. “The wisdom of enlightenment is inherent in all of us. It is only due to the delusions under which our minds work; we fail to realize it in our lives. It is the Saints alone who wipe- off all such illusions and delusions which had ensnared with and thus they rejoin the missing link with the creator one”. He always used to say that this house (renamed as Laalaaji Nilayam) is not merely a house of bricks and cement but a cloister of truth, itself. He repeatedly used to say- “this is the real abode of the supreme being, where the emanation of the Supreme Spiritual Current is alive and constantly present, even for quite new entrant”.

Alexis a dit…

Resorting into the same context let me add one instance of Mahatma Dr. Chaturbhuj Sahay, the founder Saint of ‘Raamaashram Satsang Mathura’, one of the trusted disciples of Param Pujya Laalaaji Saahib, who has written (as narrated by his worthy son, Shri Hemendra Kumar) that it so happened that once, Doctor Saahib was sitting in the main room (used exclusively for the Satsang) in the house of Laalaaji Maharaaj in Fatehgarh (UP). Meanwhile a man to whom Doctor Saahib had not seen earlier, entered in and asked him for the pending claim of two installments, which were lying unpaid in his accounts, from the loan amount Laalaaji had taken for the house-building purpose. Doctor Saahib was not aware about this and as a result, both of them were looking at the faces of each other. Soon after Laalaaji Saahib entered in and addressed the person who was a money lender, from whom he had taken a loan of Rs. 500/- (five hundred) for the construction of his house. He regretted for the said two unpaid installments of the loan amount. In fact, Doctor Saahib was lost in the contemplation of the countenance of his Satguru and, as a result, he had developed the incarnate form of his Spiritual Master. This had made the whole scene upside-down for the moneylender and for Doctor Chaturbhuj Sahay, as well.
My true Supreme Guide and Preceptor in human form, Dr. Shyaam Laal Ji (another trusted disciple of Pujya Laalaaji Saahib) often used to say that the Saints are the embodiment of Truth. “The wisdom of enlightenment is inherent in all of us. It is only due to the delusions under which our minds work; we fail to realize it in our lives. It is the Saints alone who wipe- off all such illusions and delusions which had ensnared with and thus they rejoin the missing link with the creator one”. He always used to say that this house (renamed as Laalaaji Nilayam) is not merely a house of bricks and cement but a cloister of truth, itself. He repeatedly used to say- “this is the real abode of the supreme being, where the emanation of the Supreme Spiritual Current is alive and constantly present, even for quite new entrant”.

Alexis a dit…

The eponym of ‘Sufism’ in Fatehgarh, a very small city on the south Bank of River ‘Ganga’, in Uttar Pradesh, in central India, H.H. Mahatma Ramchandra Ji (Laalaaji) Maharaaj, in my opinion was in fact not a Sufi Saint in its traditional sense, but had ‘Sufi-Nisbat’. Adding his name into the Sufi lineage of Naqushbandia Order, renamed as “NaqshMuMRa”, embraces the wisdom of the Saints of all religions and claims that its doctrines derive from the direct experience of the Masters who have attained the highest realms of Spiritual existence. There were some fusions between Islamic Sufism and the Yogic- Hinduism, called a “new kind of Sufism”- such as in Kabir, Mehar Baabaa, and Laalaaji etc. There is little available which revels, what went on between Sufis and Yogis, in the early centuries. A great scholar S.A.A. Rizvi, in his work titled- ‘A history of Sufism in India’, has thrown some light on the actual and possible contact between Sufis and Yogis at the practical Spiritual level.

Alexis a dit…

Parampujya Laalaaji’s vasihatnama
“May God keep our intentions conscientious and may the results be in accordance with the canons set by our chiefs and religious preceptors. Amen! Amen! Amen!”
“Life is not permanent. We know not when the breath would stop. Hence, I am writing certain things by way of a will, with a hope that after me, my dear children, if God grant them courage and by the grace of God, will act according to my wish given herein. All depend on Him.”
“SD/- Fakir Ramchandra
Fatehgarh; dated October 23, 1930”
For Dear Jag Mohan Narain;
1. “Right since the beginning, stages after stages of the mystic journey, you have to reach up to the level of perfection. This should accomplish only through your spiritual-master”.
(Marginalia) If by any mischance, you do not get the opportunity to do so, and you have to journey to the other world, then Brother Brijmohan Laal (may God bless him) is the first person to perform this work. You should not behave in indifferent manner with him in any case. Co-operate him whole-heartedly to complete this work. I am sure that he would not leave any stone unturned to do your work.
2. “As far as I know, my spiritual-master Hazrat Quiblaa has given an indication to me that my son Jag Mohan Narain is a clean chit, right from his birth and has attained subtlest of subtle condition of the heart-region (Qulb). However, in my opinion, the journey to such point is, currently, incomplete. He should attain the same.”
“There is difference between ‘genetic-lineage’ and the ‘lineage of adhesion’. In the ‘genetic-lineage’, there is not much need for education and labor. On the contrary, in the ‘lineage of adhesion’ there needs training and does achieve after many years of practice. There is, always, the danger of falling down too, in this case. By God’s grace, the inner progress (of my son) is under direct care of my Hazrat Quiblaa (my spiritual-master). May God keep the result of His Divine Blessings, intact.”
“My son should be grateful for the Divine Blessings showered upon him and he should always be humble, because the giver of the blessings is Omnipotent, and as he has given the blessings, so also He can take it bake, at His Will.”
3. “This humble self, so far it was intelligible to me, widely studied the philosophy and faith of different religions, but has found, from the ways and means of my Masters, that if we stick to the tenets taught by Him, it can well be hoped to remain life-like up till last.”

Alexis a dit…

“I confess, I have not been following these canons up till now, to the words. However, I have accepted them from the core of my heart. I am sad that not even a single associate of mine could dare to accept them. Perhaps it was all along my mistake that I never placed them face to face. Nevertheless, I have been discussing such subjects from time to time. I do not know how many of them were able to listen and could grasp the same.”
“It is evident that the offspring are becoming weaker after every generation, when compared to their ancestors. Similarly, there may also be a fall in matters of spirituality and etiquette. However, this is not the fundamental rule once-for-all. God’s grace confined to no limit. At times, a strong lad, similar to the generic structure alike of five hundred years ago, may take birth from a weak parent.”

Alexis a dit…

Que dit-il ?
Grosso modo, l'absence de directives laissées par Lalaji a favorisé les schismes dogmatiques. A l'instar du Docteur Chaturbhuj, nombre de ses disciples ont succombé à l'idolatrie et leurs enseignements spirituels en sont trop empreints pour être fidèles. Sans compter les fourvoiements financiers (sales and marketing skills in the name of spirituality) ! Une pique pour Chari ? Il ne le precise pas, mais…
Quant au testament de Lalaji, il revient sur la différence entre lignée génétique et lignée par adhésion. Lalaji insiste sur le fait qu'il est forcément plus difficile pour l'un de ses disciples d'atteindre un niveau spirituel donné que pour son propre fils. L'avantage génétique est évident, il ne peut être réduit que par l'éducation et le travail. Dont acte, on est d'accord ou pas, peu importe, c'est son point de vue.
Cela signifie tout de même qu'il a préféré son fils à tous ses disciples pour lui succéder dans son œuvre spirituelle. Qu'on imagine mal Babuji devenir son successeur quand il ne l'a rencontré que trois fois en tout et pour tout.
Passons ! Cette règle devrait ensuite aussi s'appliquer au successeur de Babuji. Ses fils étaient mieux placés que ses disciples. Tiens donc, c'est exactement ce qu'ont dit Umeshchandra Saxena et Navneet face à Chari…
Amusant ! Dommage que Dinaysh ne parle jamais des enfants de Babuji…

4d-Don a dit…

Elodie et tous...

Un autre site Sahaj Marg qui semble eliminer Chari mais qui est une promotion pour Chari et son "clan"...

Ca me semble comme la besogne de Clark Powell...

Tous les articles sur ce nouveau site sont du meme auteur (clark?)...

Alors ??? un schisme entre Chari et Clark??

Il se sert de l'embleme du SRCM cree par Babuji... alors??

Don ...