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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

9 mars 2007

Commentaires anonymes

Deux commentaires anonymes , le premier sur ce blog et le second sur tell me truth India, relancent la discussion.
Anonyme a dit...
I'm sorry, but this is all revisionist history.
The nomination letter proclaiming P. Rajagolpalachari was witnessed by Don Saborin and Sister Kasturi, who already made this known to the working committee and to the courts, after Babuji's death.
In addition, there was no mention of Umesh succeeding at that time. Thefamily first proposed Babuji's elder son Prakash and then, his grandson Charad, who backed off, admitting the falsification.In addition, Babuji told me directly in Munich Germany, in 1980, that he was turning over the work of the mission to Parthasarthi, which converstation I also made available to the courts,
Please look to your hearts before spreading these dis-informations, or at least provide my above references to all who have received your mailings.
Yours in the service to our Master;
A Old Abhyasi a dit...
Respected Alexis
Yes it is true that soon after death of Sh. Raghvendra Rao ji Chari's Aides headed by Sh. A.P. Dorai who is a retired police official took over the Raichur ashram. The fact is known to us.
You received a message from JM stating the following:
"The nomination letter proclaiming P. Rajagolpalachari was witnessed by Don Saborin and Sister Kasturi, who already made this known to the working committee and to the courts, after Babuji's death"
It is astonishing of how people tell such a big lie We were suspecting that Babuji's signs were taken by accident but this statement now proves that Chari's letter is surely forged and there now surely seems a to be a plot laid by all three and may be includes JM.
Wait before anybody gets angry on this I have personally seen one more letter with Umeshbhai. Photocopy of whic which I will give to Navneet to put on their internet site which proves that DON was not in India around the date of the Nomination. I have seen one letter written to Sister Kasturi ji by Babuji in the year 1982 in which he has written to her that he has already nominated somebody as his successor and strangely that letter does not talk of anything else and it does not talk about name of the successor also. Even this is not on internet.
If Ss Kasturi had witnessed Babuji giving letter to Sh. Chari way back in 1974. The following questions need an honest logical common sense answer from JM.
1) Babuji writes to Chari about a person not being in India 4 days before giving the so called nomination to Chari and he also tells about Don's programme in the letter to Chari and as per Don he is present at the time of Nomination !!!!!!!
2) If Ss Kasturi had witnessed Babuji signing the giving the letter to Chari then why did Babuji have to tell Ss Kasturi ji in 1982 about his nominating a successor. If she was present she should have known it and neither Babuji had to tell her after so many years that he has done a nomination.
3) It is sorry state of affairs how people just talk of their hat. How do people say they have told to working committee. Kindly ask the gentleman if the working committee he is talking about took place at the birth place of SRCM in Shahjahanpur or not. Answer is NO. There was a working committe meeting held by Chari in Hyderabad where these individuals stated. This was after the Working Committee at the headquarters rejected his claim. Ask Sh. JM had Don & Ss Kasturi ever attended a working committee meeting after Babuji's pghysical demise at Shahjahanpur. My Uncle was present in the meeting. Again Answer is NO again.
4) it is something like I wan't to be made president of a society so I collect some members ask them to make me President sitting at my house. (make a dissidents group, which is quite common in Indian politics) and then start claiming Presidentship of the Society without even going to Society Headquarters.
5) Now about courts. Sh.JM can you please provide one prrof that Don has attended court and that Ss. Kasturi has attended court. I thing we should talk on facts not statements. I can show you proof of whatever I have told or can ask Navneet to show the same to you.
Alexis One more thing I would like to tell you. Just before going to Paris Babuji did actually say to his Daughter the following. I was present there 'I wan't to go to Police station, someone take me to the Police Station and file a complaint." She asked "what is it Babuji" He said "somebody is going to murder me. Will police accept my complaint beforehand." She replied " Babuji who can murder you. Everybody loves you." Babuji's reply was "No take me to Police" But Alas Babuji was not taken to police for registering his FIR. There are proofs still alive here in India who had witnesseth this and have presented in affadavit to the High Court in India.
This is one of the main reason why we consider Babuji's last letter also true in complete sense. Technically too common sense states that Electronic Typewriter being absent in India proves that letter was written somewhere in advanced country. Babuji was in Paris as you know. 4d-Don states that Babuji was not in position to write. But he dictated and did not write He only did corrections. If Mr. 4d-Don touches his heart that it is true to compelte sense if he was present in Paris all the time around Babuji. You all must be knowing Brother KV Reddy ji who was the Overseas Secretary during time of Babuji ask him. He was one who made all arrangements. Ask him what happened. There were 16 Indians there ask 3 Indians whom Babuji shared some part that is written in the letter. I have personally discussed with some.Regarding Minutes of Meeting which will clarify all other claims of Sh. JM ji and his Chariji. I shall provide one original copy to Navneet to soon be put on internet for all to understand how much to believe in JM's statement.
Mr. JM if I am not wrong you are very close to Chari ji and were main person propogating Chari in Europe soon after death of Babuji. Every body in India Know how much Babuji talked to you about such subjects as to others. On what pretext the statement was passed to you and when. It was not for Presidentship. If you remember now. I hope by now you would have understood that I have Identified you. Ji... M.t..s. You too have met me before don't try and recognize me as I was very young that time. Alexis I am saying with all proofs seen by me with my own eyes, which I know must have been submitted to courts by now by Navneet group. Moreover I would now just ask you one simple question If Chariji was so confident on his being President. why did he start another SRCMTm later in late 90s. Why did he make other Organizations and not be accepted in India. You people who are staying abroad and are not of Babuji's time don't know the image of his Aides in India. We are suffering by not going my Babuji's gift to us that is Shahjahanpur Ashram. Can a true successor be surrounded by such people. He does not even have the eyes to identify them how will he show the way to others.!!!! Or may be is a politician or a underworld white collared Don trying to build group of his own as it happens in India.
I think you can ask JM to produce evidence in whatever form on written proof with Babuji's sign or handwriting to support his claims and put the same on net and then talk about it. Rather than just passing statements without proof.
A old Abhyasi

5 commentaires:

Alexis a dit…

Les "faits contradictoires" qu'on veut bien nous raconter…

La SRCM est officiellement créée par Babuji le 30 mai 1945 à Shahjahanpur, ses statuts sont déposés à Lucknow. En 1946, il sort son 1er livre, "Commentaires sur les 10 commandements du Sahaj Marg". Puis en 1948-49, il est rejoint par des personnalités de l'Uttar Pradesh, telles le Dr. SP Srivastava ou le juge ML Chaturvedi et sa fille Kum. Kasturi.
En 1955, Babuji sort son célèbre livre "La réalité à l'aube", sa notoriété déborde l'Uttar Pradesh. Des hommes du sud le rejoignent, comme le Dr. KC Varadachari ou Raghavendra Rao du Karnataka. KC Narayana, fils de Varadachari, le rejoint aussi en 1956. Puis arrive Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari dit Chari en 1964. Et Varadachari crée le Sahaj Marg Research Institute en 1965.
Lakshmi Narasimhan marque le début de l'internationalisation du Sahaj Marg. Il part l'enseigner à Copenhague en 1968-69. Le 18 juin 1970, Varadachari demande à Babuji de faire attention à ne pas "commercialiser la Mission", mais il meurt l'année suivante tandis que son fils Narayana entreprend une tournée aux USA. Entre temps, Chari a été nommé secrétaire général de la mission en 1970. Puis Babuji et Chari font leur premier voyage commun en occident en 1972. Ils apparaîtront ensuite souvent en compagnie d'André Poray et du Dr. Hans Gangloff.
Le 3 mars 1974, Babuji nomme Chari comme son successeur devant témoins, Donald Sabourin et Kasturi. En 1976 est construit l'ashram de Shahjahanpur. Babuji porte plainte pour le vol de 4 lettres à entête de la SRCM. En 1979, Babuji confie à Narayana qu'il devra travailler aux côtés de Chari dans l'avenir. En 1980, à Munich, il déclare à JM (?) qu'il a désigné Chari comme son successeur, mais André Poray y apparaît comme un rival sérieux pour Chari. Babuji est moins disponible pour les groupes d'abhyasis et Chari devient taciturne. Toujours vers 1980, Babuji destitue Chari de toutes ses fonctions.
En 1981, les seniors précepteurs Raghavendra Rao et Ramachandra Reddy entament une tournée non officielle aux USA avec Umeshchandra Saxena, un fils de Babuji qui n'est même pas précepteur. Le 16 avril 1982, Babuji rédige pourtant une lettre de nomination de son fils Umeshchandra.
Tout devient très sombre en 1982 lors du voyage de Babuji en France. André Poray est partout en avant de la scène, Chari qui n'a pas été invité est relégué en coulisses. Babuji est très malade. Il annonce aussi à Kasturi qu'il a nommé quelqu'un sans en préciser le nom et lui dit qu'il veut aller à la police car on veut attenter à sa vie, ce qu'il ne fera finalement pas. Le 2 septembre, il écrit à MD Jahagirdar que Chari dérive de l'enseignement initial, qu'il se présente illégitimement comme son successeur et qu'il a tenté de l'empoisonner à plusieurs reprises depuis 4 ans, mais qu'il a trouvé son successeur. Il ne le nomme pas mais annonce aussi qu'il devra être accompagné par Srivastava, Narayana et Kashi2 (?) Ram Agarwal ainsi que Nasib Chand.
En 1983, des messages contradictoires des différentes factions affluent, y compris des autres successeurs de Lalaji. Babuji décède le 19 avril. Chari présente aussitôt sa lettre de nomination. Raghavendra Rao et Ramachandra Reddy, avec Umeshchandra à leur tête, déclarent que la lettre de Chari est une contrefaçon. La famille de Babuji ne propose pas tout de suite Umeshchandra, mais son frère aîné Prakash, puis son petit-fils Charad. Une bataille légale pour le contrôle de l'ashram s'engage. Chari voyage à l'ouest pour y chercher des appuis.
Tout le monde se retrouve à Shahjahanpur pour l'anniversaire de Lalaji en février 1984. Un "Working Committee" est mis en place dans la foulée, les 6 et 7 février. Une tentative d'empoisonnement du clan de Chari a lieu.
Narayana qui fait partie du comité de travail considère que la lettre du fils de Babuji est fausse et que celle de Chari est valide. Le petit-fils de Babuji reconnaît qu'il s'agit d'un faux. Kasturi se prononce en faveur de Chari. Mais le comité de travail décide de nommer Umeshchandra représentant spirituel. Il nomme SP Srivastava président du comité de travail en attendant que les esprits se calment, car le positionnement de Kasturi en faveur de Chari déclenche un conflit ouvert entre les factions.
Dans ces conditions, Chari constitue un autre "Working Committee" à Hyderabad où il est proclamé président. Une nouvelle SRCM californienne sera ainsi créée à San Luis Obispo.
En 1987, Chari tente de nouveau de s'emparer de l'ashram de Shahjahanpur, mais sans succès. SP Srivastava publie la 2ème partie de l'autobiographie de Babuji (1987-89). En août 1991, Narayana quitte le clan de Chari et crée l'ISRC.
En 1994, Umeshchandra apporte à Srivastava sa lettre de nomination et dit que la lettre de Chari est une contrefaçon faite à partir d'un papier volé. Il accuse aussi Chari d'avoir empoisonné son père. Un senior précepteur accepte la lettre d'Umeshchandra, tous alors l'acceptent et Srivastava laisse sa place à Umeshchandra Saxena qui préside alors la SRCM de Shahjahanpur.
L'un de ses précepteurs part aux USA en 1996, crée un site internet '' où il publie les 2 lettres de nomination d'Umeshchandra et Chari. Un conflit oppose alors les 2 SRCM sur le nom de domaine, et l'arbitrage est prononcé en faveur du clan d'Umeshchandra en avril 2000. Le clan de Chari engage alors un grand cabinet d'avocats et porte l'affaire devant la Cour fédérale de Virginie. Le clan d'Umeshchandra préfère abandonner la partie faute de moyen,s financiers.
En 2000, Kasturi s'oppose soudain à Chari après qu'il l'ait rejetée. Elle enseigne alors seule le Sahaj Marg de son côté à Lucknow.
Umeshchandra se déplace dans l'ashram de Shahjahanpur avec un revolver car il a peur pour sa vie. En 2003, il décède de mort non naturelle. Son fils Navnnet Kumar Saxena lui succède, mais son jeune frère est victime d'un accident de la route suspect seulement 13 jours plus tard.
Navneet Kumar lui-même est victime d'une tentative d'empoisonnement le 3 février 2006. Le clan de Chari envahit l'ashram de Shahjahanpur le 2 avril puis, après la mort du senior full précepteur Raghavendra Rao, envahit aussi celui de Raichur, AP Durai en tête le 7 mai suivant. Des témoignages en faveur du clan de la famille de Babuji apparaissent sur le web.
Le 18 janvier 2007, c'est au tour de Navneet Kumar de s'exprimer sur le web. Le 7 février, la Cour suprême statue : "Arguments heard. Orders reserved." Et Navneet crée son propre site le 22 février, où il publie les 2 lettres de nomination et le courrier adressé à Jahagirdar où Babuji accuse Chari de tous les maux…

Alexis a dit…

Michael et moi avons rédigé nos analyses en parallèle et en abordant les choses différemment, je les trouve complémentaires…

Une petite analyse rapide
Babuji a créé une relation exclusive entre les abhyasis et lui. Ceux-ci l'ont mis sur un piédestal et il n'a rien fait pour empêcher ça. Ils ont construit une nouvelle religion dont il était le Dieu unique et il a eu le talent de la développer dans toute l'Inde et au-delà.
Dans les années 70, son succès avait attiré des opportunistes assoiffés de pouvoir qui voyaient déjà le parti qu'ils pourraient en tirer plus tard. L'Inde se développait à marches forcées sous la dynastie familiale gandhienne. Face au matérialisme triomphant, les temps étaient à la quête spirituelle. Les philosophies orientales avaient le vent en poupe dans le monde occidental et les grandes sectes modernes constituaient déjà un modèle attrayant pour les ambitieux.
Certains ont vite su profiter des faiblesses de Babuji, notamment de sa maladie et de sa paranoïa. Chari, visionnaire brillant et fin connaisseur de la culture occidentale, était bien décider à triompher. Mais André Poray, Hans Gangloff ou bien encore Donald Sabourin complotaient. Prakash, fils aîné de Babuji, essayait de placer son fils Charad. Raghavendra Rao et Ramachandra Reddy tentaient d'imposer leur marionnette Umeshchandra Saxena. Tandis que la mort prématurée de KC Varadachari empêchait Narayana de percer…
Finalement, le charisme de Chari auprès de crédules occidentaux l'a emporté. Les autres prétendants se sont soumis ou bien ont végété dans leurs petites zones d'influence indiennes respectives.
Mais l'histoire est un éternel recommencement. Chari va fêter ses 80 ans, il est malade et fatigué. La Mission a considérablement grandi, elle s'est enrichie. L'histoire se reproduit, les lieutenants de Chari ne sont que des opportunistes : Ajay le successeur désigné, Krishna le richissime héritier, Khanjee l'éminence grise ou bien encore Durai l'homme de mains.
Comment résister à la convoitise que provoque immanquablement ce petit empire ? Les appétits sont insatiables, il y a un tel potentiel de puissance et d'argent à portée de mains. Le petit-fils de Lalaji sort de l'ombre, des partisans de Kasturi la poussent en avant et le petit-fils de Babuji contre attaque.
Qui donc vaincra ?

L'analyse de Michael
The main failing of SRCM is the elimination of any peers to the teacher and propagation of the belief that SRCM provides exclusive access to the highest possible spiritual attainment.
These two things establish an addictive and dangerous spiritual materialism in disciples, who now lust for reaching a higher state of attainment through the unquestioning obedience to the one living Master. Attainment replaces, "being" and "action, and results in a culture of people who are more concerned with their selfish attainment than how they treat others in this world.
Babuji distanced himself from the community that Lalaji established and chose to have no peers. Even Lalaji had peers, his own brother Chachaji for one was considered a spiritual equal and started an entire spiritual lineage his own.
Babuji, by establishing a singular and exclusive path, put into motiion the downward spiral into cultism. Whether he was a powerful, but delusional man, a skilled and manipulative actor, or a simple man easily manipulated by power seekers around him, I cannot say. I did not know him well enough to even speculate, and those who were close to him are so far drawn into his charm and power to examine the situation from the outside.
What are the motivations of those fighting over control of SRCM? What is the power that lures them?
You've done a good job of assessing the financial value of the SRCM (possibly in excess of $200M US?)
Clearly, money and property are part of it. There's another angle. The lifestyle of a spiritual guru is intoxicating. Thousands worship what he represents - an exclusive path to God. The Master is served food, needs little or no money of his own to exist, and travels the world, surrounded by throngs of loving worshipful people to protect and coddle him. Even being guru for as subset of the SRCM population is power itself, and being close to the Guru, and traveling with him, has similar benefits.
Preceptors enjoy the "second hand smoke" from the Guru. They again are respected for what they represent, a direct path to God. Many disciples want to be in their presence. There is a concept that the preceptor can see things that others can't, and is able to transmit godly power to those in their presence. It is impossible to have this position without having ones ego affected.

Within this "Priest Class" is an elite Priest Class called a "Full" Preceptor. A full preceptor is different from a provisional preceptor as they are "brought to the level" where their power cannot be removed by the Master - becoming the "inner-inner circle".
These levels of hierarchy create a longing for achievement within each disciple at every level. Feelings of inadequacy (not being a preceptor, or a full preceptor, or part of the inner circle or the chosen successor) cause the disciple to serve in other ways to become more worthy of the Masters spiritual attention.
SRCM uses the Spiritual Hierarcy to extract service from those who lust to be made a preceptor or feel the need to offset their inadequacy of not being one. This psycological aspect of this cult creates a fertile environment for control and manipulation of the masses. In other words, power!
This culture creates an addictive, cultish mentality. I escaped this cult mindset at a time when aspects of manipulation and control were not that visible from the outside. I looked into my heart, as many have suggested we all do, and realized what I was invovled with was wrong. I left and never looked back. HOWEVER, it takes years to remove the addiction of these cultist beliefs. The younger you are indoctrinated, the more it becomes ingrained in your personality and difficult to change. The danger is worse when indoctrinating very young children. Their sense of boundaries are tampered with as they are taught to trust and love implicitly a stranger and see their parent(s) unquestioned obedience to this stranger.
What you see now in SRCM is a battle between people who have had relationship and trust boundaries altered. No one questions Babuji's intentions, he is infallable in everyone's mind. That is the common thread that binds each Clan. On this foundation, those in charge, fight for control. Each of their flock believe that they are right and will be rewarded for their loyalty to their leadership. Communities are created around each division of this cult which creates its own sense of power, protection and peace. This communal mindset creates many sensations of spiritual purity that help further validate the desire to be on the right side of the battle.
The most dangerous aspect is the meditation practice itself. One is encouraged to meditate on the image of "divine light" in the heart, but are told if they meditate on the image of their master, they will have better results, but are discouraged from doing so. This insures that everyone is meditating on the image of the "Master" in their hearts.
The Cleaning Process, requires dependence on a preceptor and the Master, to have "spiritual impurities" removed. One must surrender to the master to have these impurities removed. All this re-inforces dependencies on the Master and his preceptors. As these different cult Clans establish their own "Spiritual Represenatives" and "Successors", no doubt disciples are spending much of their meditations focusing on the Clan Leader as their direct representative to Babuji, and God...
So there's tremendous wealth and property in the Mission, a lifestyle for the Guru that leave him wanting little, and the power of thousands, spending every idle moment surrendering their thoughts and souls to the living Guru. Is this not sufficient power to attract opportunists and create Clan Warfare?

Elodie a dit…

Navneet Kumar a publié ce week end les minutes du "Working Committee" des 6 et 7 février 1984.
C'est à lire sur :
Bonne lecture

Elodie a dit…

Grâce à toi, nous avons progressé dans notre connaissance de Babuji.
Tes extraits de son autobiographie me manquent.
Ce n'est pas parce que Navneet Kumar nous envoie ses documents sur les événements survenus à la mort de Babuji qu'il nous faut oublier le passé antérieur.
Au contraire, découvrir dans le détail quand et comment Babuji a inventé le Sahaj Marg me paraît des plus importants.
Cela peut même nous aider à porter un autre regard sur la suite des événements.
J'espère beaucoup que tu continueras à nous faire partager tes lectures.
A bientôt

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Elodie,

J'avais cessé de poster sur ton blog car je ne pouvais plus: mes messages ne passaient pas.

Je vois maintenant que ça semble passer, mais je ne pense pas continuer le travail que j'avais commencer pour plusieurs raisons.

Premièrement, je suis "overbooké" avec mon travail et j'ai du mal à trouver du temps à consacrer à ce travail de lecture, d'analyse et de rédaction.

Deuxièmement, j'ai vu qu'Alexis, dans une discussion je ne sais plus sur quel site, présente le groupe de recherche et de discussion sans m'y inclure (Elodie, Michael, 4d-Don, Alexis, peut-être aussi Shashwat). J'ai trouvé cet oubli parce que, sans vouloir dénigrer les apports des uns et des autres, je sais avoir contribué pour beaucoup à faire avancer la discussion et le travail de révélation. J'ai donc conclu qu'il n'y avait aucune raison d'aider quelqu'un qui nous utilise, alors qu'on ne sait ni qui il est ni quel but il poursuit.

Troisièmement, ces informations me mettent dans une situation très difficile vis-à-vis de certains adeptes. Or les publier n'apporte finalement pas grand chose de plus à la critique de la SRCMtm.

Je reprendrais peut-être de l'activité ultérieurement au sujet de ces textes, mais pour le moment mon attention est focalisée sur d'autres problèmes.

Je te souhaite bonne continuation dans ce travail, et te dis à bientôt.