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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

23 février 2007

Umesh Chandra Saxena

Il semble que le conflit qui oppose la SRCM de Shahjahanpur et la SRCM tm californienne reprend
de la vigueur sous la houlette de Navneet Kumar Saxena après le décés de son père, Umesh Chandra Saxena, fils de Babuji.

Après le commentaire de Navneet posté sur un blog que nous avons publié, voici qu'apparaît un nouveau site internet depuis l'ashram et la SRCM de Shahjahanpur :

On y trouve surtout 3 documents dont l'authenticité m'échappe totalement :
- une lettre de nomination de Chariji, datée du 23 mars 1974, qualifiée de contrefaçon
- une lettre confidentielle et secrète de Babuji à Shri MD Jahagirdar, datée du 2 septembre 1982, où il réfute Chariji. Il l'accuse de dérives multiples jusqu'aux tentatives de meurtres. Il laisse entendre qu'il nomme son fils, assisté de SP Srivastava, Kashik Ram Agarwal, KC Narayan et Nasib Chand
- une lettre de nomination de son fils Umesh Chandra Saxena, datée du 16 avril 1982
Ci dessous un long extrait de ce site :
"Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Shri Ram Chandra Mission was founded by our Revered Master Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Shahjahanpur with the blessings of our Aadi Guru Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh. The Mission was founded by our Revered Master as per the directions of Pujya Shri Swami Vivekanandji and the constitution, bylaws, Rules and Regulations were laid down and registered as per his will and directions to our Revered Master Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj alias Babuji Maharaj.
The aforementioned Rules and Regulations were registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 by our Revered Master wherein the President of the Society would be the spiritual representative in the direct line of succession who shall possess the powers, authority vested upon him to manage, control the affairs of the Society Shri Ram Chandra Mission. The clauses 3(b) and 4 (h) of the registered by laws of Shri Ram Chandra Mission is enumerated below.
3(b) It shall work under the sole guidance and control of the Founder or his Spiritual Representative, in the direct line of succession; and he shall be the President of the Mission.
4(h) He shall nominate among his spiritual successors, any person as his representative, who as such will enjoy all the power and authority vested in the President.
Our beloved Revered Master, Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj as per the aforementioned rules has clearly indicated that his successor spiritual representative shall be the person in the direct line of succession. Babuji Maharaj in his dictation received from Lalaji Maharaj on the 27th day of July 1945 has clearly laid down that the person would be amongst the generations of our Revered Guru and Master Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj only. The manuscripts of the said directions have already been published in the book Divya Adesh Part 2 / Divine Order (Vol. 2) for reference to all abhyasis/ members and to the community at large. Extract from the original diaries of Babuji Maharaj written in Urdu and English is provided for your ready reference as follows:
After the Mahasamadhi of our Revered Master, there existed certain problems in regard to the claim about Presidenship of the Society Shri Ram Chandra Mission. As such, P. Rajagopalachari, one of the disciples of our Revered Master started claiming himself to be the next President after the mahasamadhi of our Master Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj, against the will of Almighty, ultimate power, the legal provisions and against the wishes and will of our Guru Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj vide his false and alleged nomination/ declaration letter dated 23 March 1974.
The Predictions of our Revered Master Pujya Babuji Maharaj in regard to the successor representative in Shri Ram Chandra Mission were cleared vide nomination/ declaration letter dated 16 April 1982 in favour of his son Pujya Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj and the acceptance of the same by the Working Committee and General Body of the Society Shri Ram Chandra Mission held on 6th, 7th and 8th February 1984 at the headquarters at Yogashram premises, Misripur Block, Hardoi Road, Shahjahanpur inter alia deciding the rejection of the claim of P. Rajagopalachari for the post of President of the Society after the Maha Samadhi of our Revered Master Mahatma Shri RamChandraji Maharaj alias Babuji Maharaj on 19 April 1983 and declaring and accepting the claim of Pujya Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj on the basis of genuine nomination/ declaration letter dated 16.4.1982.
In brief it is necessary to bring to the notice of the abhyasis members of the Mission about the legality of the Successor Representative and also the President of the Society as per the will and wishes of our Master, directions from our Aadiguru Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh and the principles laid down by Swami Vivekanandji. There are certain questions which need to be answered about the Successor Representative and the President of the society in regard to present legislative/ legal provisions of law.
Question 1. Who could be the office bearers (inclusive of President) of the Society?
Answer: As per the Section 3A(4) and Section 4 of Societies Registration Act, applicable to the state of Uttar Pradesh, the elected Managing Body shall be the office bearers of the Society after the amendment in provisions of law vide U.P. Act 11 of 1984 with effect from 30.4.1984 for renewal of registration of any Society. As such after the Mahasamadhi of our Founder President Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj, Pujya Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj was declared as the nominated President vide nomination/ declaration letter dated 16 April 1982 and later on after the change in law vide UP Act 11 of 1984 with effect from 30.4.1984 he was unanimously declared and accepted as the President of the Society in accordance with Section 3 A (4) of Societies Registration Act.
As such, in regard to the afore mentioned facts, the claim of P. Rajagopalachari is not sustainable in the eye of law.
Question 2: By the will of our Revered Master Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj whether P. Rajagopalachari can be President of the Society?
Answer: No. The following are the reasons in regard to the rejection of the claim of P.Rajagopalachari in consideration to the legal and factual aspects.
(i) Alleged Nomination letter dated 23 March 1974 is false and a forged document due to the following grounds.
(a) The nomination letter dated 23 March 1974 is accompanied with a covering letter dated 19 March 1974 which clearly proves the authenticity of the document and the aforesaid document is a result of forgery.
(b) The registered will of Founder President our beloved Guru Mahatma Shri
Ram Chandraji Maharaj dated 30th December 1976 clearly states that the aforementioned nomination could have been made from the lost blank signed papers by Babuji Maharaj. As such the aforementioned nomination of P. Rajagopalachari is the result of the aforementioned blank papers.
(c) Further there are reports by two document experts namely Shri A.K. Chatterjee and Smt Brija Bala Thakur stating the aforementioned nomination of P. Rajagopalachari is a result of forgery.
(ii) Babuji Maharaj has also made it clear vide His last private and confidential letter dated 2.9.1982 written to one of his disciples Shri M.D. Jahgirdar inter alia stating
"I am given to understand here that Mr.P. Rajagopalachari has been conducting meetings with the foreign Abhyasis that he is going to be next President and the Master may not survive now. I still do not know who has declared him? These are the things which are depressing me and I see the present condition of the Mission today."
As such in consideration to the aforementioned reasons P. Rajagopalachari can never become the President of the Society.
Question 3 Whether any person can declare/ nominate/ make a will in favour of any person who has attempted on the life of any person bequeathing the rights.
Answer: No
It is to bring to the notice amongst all the abhyasis of the fact that there have been several attempts on the life of our Revered Master and Guru since 1974 by P. Rajagopalachari whereby P. Rajagopalachari succeeded in his final attempt by poisoning our Guru Pujya Babuji Maharaj while traveling from Paris to India. Thereafter Babuji Maharaj took Mahasamadhi on 19.4.1983.
As such, P. Rajagopalachari can neither be the Successor Representative nor the President of Society and he is liable to be convicted for the murder of our Revered Guru Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj. In regard to the aforementioned facts about attempts, the last letter dated 2.9.1982 by our Founder President and beloved Revered Master Babuji Maharaj is a strict proof and evidence.
Further Babuji in the letter dated 2.9.1982 has also stated that he has nominated the Successor Representative and the said secret was also revealed to Shri M. D. Jahgirdar only. Extract of the letter is enumerated below for your ready reference.
"I want to reveal one more secret which is fetal to the Mission is that I have already nominated my Successor President and the letter to this effect has already been issued, the person is from the direct line of succession and this is the wish of my Master."
The above letter has already been published in our Patrika earlier.
Question 4 Whether any person can be the PRESIDENT of Society against the provisions of Societies Registration Act applicable to the State of Uttar Pradesh.
Answer: NO
That in consideration to the provisions of law Pujya Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj could be the only President of Society and thereafter His Mahasamadhi, Shri Navneet Kumar Saxena shall be the President of the Society in accordance with Section 3A(4) and Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act. As such, the claim of P. Rajagopalachari on the basis of nomination at present as the nominee President is against the provisions of law and the same shall be rejected and such contention as such is not sustainable in the eye of law.
Question 5. Whether the direction/ orders laid down by our Guru Pujya Babuji Maharaj be disobeyed?
Answer: No
It is the bounden duty of our abhyasi brothers and sister to follow the directions laid down by our beloved Babuji Maharaj.
As such as per the will and wishes of our Guru Mahatma Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj, Pujya Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj can only be the President of the Society and thereafter his son Shri Navneet Kumar Saxena can only be the President which could be the evident from the wordings / narration in the nomination letter dated 16 April 1982 bequeathed the rights of the Successor Representation in favour of Pujya Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj and thereafter the rights being bequeathed as per the will of Pujya Shri Umesh Chandraji Maharaj inter alia stated as the order by the Founder President and the aforesaid will of Babuji Maharaj deems to be supported by his literature. Extract of the nomination / declaration letter dated 16 April 1982 is given below:
"….. including the wishes and blessing of the Almighty and that of my Samarth Guru Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, do hereby nominate my spiritual representative as also my son Shri Umesh Chandra Saxena as Successor President of Shri Ram Chandra Mission Shahjahanpur, with liberty to him, to further nominate his successor President of Shri Ram Chandra Mission with the condition that the person so nominated by him as his successor President of the said Mission must be his spiritual representatives in his direct line of succession…. … Previous nomination if any, made by me, shall stand superceded and cancelled."
As such, I would conclude by giving my opinion in regard to the Successor Representative and President that P. Rajagopalachari can never become the President of Mission and in consideration to the factual and legal position of law. Further the aforementioned questions and answers would make it easier to decide for each and every abhyasi / member of the Society on his own that who could be the Successor Representative as per the will of our beloved Master Pujya Babuji Maharaj.
Legal Adviser. "

6 commentaires:

Alexis a dit…

Les deux Shri Ram Chandra Missions
La hache de guerre n’est pas enterrée, bien au contraire. L’année passée, un anonyme avait témoigné du passé de la SRCM de Shahjahanpur sous SP srivastava puis Umesh Chandra Saxena. En décembre, un autre dénonçait la reprise en main de l’ashram de Shahjahanpur par la SRCM ® (voir ci-dessous), puis on découvrait un commentaire du petit fils de Babuji daté du 14 janvier (voir aussi ci-dessous), et voilà que Don nous indique un « site officiel » de la SRCM de Shahjahanpur où l’on trouve de graves accusations à l’encontre de Chari et de la SRCM ® (voir encore ci-dessous).

Alors, Mesdames et Messieurs de la SRCM de Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, conscient de la capacité de nuisance gratuite de ces témoignages successifs accablants et venus de nulle part, je m’engage à publier sur mon blog votre propre version de l’histoire car aucun élément ne me permet aujourd’hui de privilégier une version plutôt qu’une autre.
Je sais qu’il a été décidé en haut lieu chez vous de prohiber toute expression sur le web et notamment sur nos blogs, mais je sais aussi que vous êtes nombreux à nous lire quotidiennement. Alors libre à vous de poursuivre dans cette voie, libre à vous de vous taire mais je crois assez en la sagesse populaire – en France, nous avons un dicton : qui ne dit mot consent – et votre silence pourrait finir par devenir assourdissant.

Elodie a dit…

Même chose pour moi...

4d-don a dit…

Salut ceux qui ne nous lisent pas par ordre de leur Maitre!!

Dans le pays de la "liberte", on a des esclaves,(selon la priere quotidienne de la SRCMtm) qui ont encore peur, en cet age de l'information, de pas "entrer au ciel" des etrangers...

Debout peuple Francais!!...Dieu n'est pas si Materiel que la SRCMtm vous le "transmet"...Ce n'est pas de l'amour qu'on vous transmet mais comment "tuer" vos familles et ceux que vous aimez (amis et compatriotes)...La SRCMtm est une bete apocalyptique...

Ne leurs donnez plus d'argent, nom de Dieu!!

Canadien de racines Francaises

Alexis a dit…

Essayons de récapituler un peu tous ces témoignages où le conditionnel est de mise :
En 1974, Babuji aurait écrit un courrier nommant Chari président de la SRCM. KC Narayana reconnaît l'authenticité de cette lettre mais insiste sur l'absence du terme "représentant spirituel". Umeshchandra Saxena dit que c'est une contrefaçon, des feuilles à entête de la SRCM auraient été dérobées et elles auraient servi à réaliser ce faux document.
En 1980-82, Babuji aurait démis Chari de toutes ses fonctions et nommé son propre fils Umeshchandra Saxena président et représentant spirituel en 1982. KC Narayana dit que cette lettre est un faux. Babuji aurait aussi écrit une lettre "privée et confidentielle" à MD Jahagirdar où il accuse Chari d'avoir essayé à plusieurs reprises d'attenter à ses jours durant les 8 années passées. Il y annonce aussi qu'il a nommé son successeur (il ne précise pas qui) et un comité de 4 personnes : SP Srivastava, Kashik Ram Agarwal, KC Narayana et Nasib Chand.
Babuji meurt en 1983. Umeshchandra dit que Chari l'a empoisonné durant son voyage de retour de Paris vers l'Inde. Chari sort sa lettre prouvant qu'il est le successeur de Babuji et prétend avoir subi une tentative d'empoisonnement durant son séjour à Shahjahanpur. Umeshchandra Saxena montre lui aussi sa lettre. Le comité de travail rejette la lettre de Chari (que dit-il de la lettre d'Umeshchandra ?).
SP Srivastava est nommé président du comité de travail. Chari crée sa propre SRCM, une société enregistrée en Californie. Que fait Umeshchandra pendant ce temps ? Chari, lui, développe sa SRCM essentiellement en occident. KC Narayana la quitte en 1991 pour créer l'ISRC. SP Srivastava, à la tête de la SRCM Shahjahanpur, publie la 2ème partie de l'autobiographie de Babuji.
En 1994, SP Srivastava laisse sa place à Umeshchandra Saxena. L'un de ses précepteurs parti aux USA crée un website "" où il publie les deux lettres de nomination. Une bataille juridique s'engage entre les 2 SRCM. La commission d'attribution des noms de domaines donne raison à Umeshchandra en 2000. Mais face aux poursuites judiciaires de Chari, il baisse les bras.
Umeshchandra décède de causes non naturelles en 2003. Son fils Navneet Kumar Saxena lui succède. En mars-avril 2006, la SRCM de Chari s'empare de l'ashram de Shahjahanpur. Navneet crée un nouveau website où il rouvre les hostilités en janvier 2007. La suite dans les prochains épisodes !
En parallèle, Smt Kasturi Chaturvedi propage l'enseignement de Babuji, sans faire de bruit et sans rien revendiquer…

Tentative d'analyse
Parmi tous les faits qui sont décrits, y en a-t-il de vrais ? Y en a-t-il de faux ? Nous n'avons aucun moyen de le savoir et nous ne le saurons jamais avec certitude. Il en sera de même de tous les nouveaux témoignages, de toutes les précisions qui seront fournies. Cela nous permettra de compléter un tableau historique au conditionnel. C'est donc finalement sans grand intérêt, car chacun devra se forger sa propre opinion…
Plus intéressante est la querelle en elle-même et les différents protagonistes qu'elle met peu à peu en lumière. On a vu surgir de l'ombre SP Srivastava, Umeshchandra Saxena. On pourrait y ajouter Kashik Ram Agarwal, KC Narayana et Nasib Chand, ou bien encore MD Jahagirdar, Raghavendra Rao ou Ramachandra Reddy…
La certitude, c'est qu'il y a au moins deux clans comme le dit Michael, et qu'ils s'accusent des crimes les plus épouvantables. Leurs différents témoignages ou celui de leurs proches nous permettent de préciser les contours de ces clans, leurs points d'achoppement.
Mais la leçon générale de tout cela tient en quelques mots : comment un grand maître comme Babuji et son soi-disant merveilleux enseignement - le Sahaj Marg - ont-ils pu engendrer d'aussi piètres individus, ceux-ci n'étant- pas de simples abhyasis mais des gens qui revendiquent la succession du maître ?
Une seule réponse : le grand maître et/ou la méthode étaient déjà pourris !
Mais c'est aussi qu'il y avait de sacrés intérêts en jeu dès 1974-82 pour qu'apparaissent de tels individus avec de tels comportements : argent ? pouvoir ???

Alexis a dit…

Je pense qu'il ne faut pas qu'on passe tout notre temps sur les querelles entre les 2 SRCM.
Il serait donc intéressant de continuer notre petit travail "historique" sur la création de la SRCM par babuji.
As-tu eu le temps de poursuivre ta lecture de son autobiographie ? Tes 1ers envois d'extraits étaient passionnants. J'espère que tu accepteras de continuer, d'autant que tu détiens là une grande partie des infos les plus intéressantes.

Alexis a dit…

Jahagirdar and Raghavendra Rao sont cités sur :
Le témoignage de SP Srivastava sur cette trouble période post Babuji serait maintenant vraiment bienvenu. Je ne vois pas trop comment obtenir d'autres éclairages (différents), hormis le sien. Si quelqu'un sait comment le contacter, merci de le faire.
Enfin, si Navneet Kumar lit ces lignes, merci à lui de nous préciser ce qui s'est passé au printemps 2006 à l'ashram de Shahjahanpur entre sa faction et celle de Chari.