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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

25 février 2013

Simplicité vs Opulence

D'après 4d-Don, un extrait de "Reality without covering" par Sharad Chandra Saxena, petit-fils de Babuji, et Shubh Chintak Kishore :

Haqeeqat Benakaab (Reality without covering).

Simplicity of Rev. Babuji Maharaj was considered as financial poverty (Part 27) 
Shubh Chintak Kishore & Sharad Chandra 

To most of his members of SRCM, Chari has tried to wrongly paint Rev. Babuji’s image as of a financially poor person. This is contrary to facts. In His Autobiography Part one He told all about Himself and His family eg. He used to go to school on His own horse, it was Royal young persons mode of transport. His large mansion like house, engagement of some servants in His house etc.,

The reality is that His ways were simple. He wanted to present Himself as a simple, living person in line with His teachings. He was of the view that “Be plain and simple to be identical with nature”. He did not do what He did not say. “ He did what He said”. As a Founder of the system, He was convinced and equally conscious that His desired message will reach common person only if He presented Himself as a person true to His words and was simple like nature.

Unfortunately, Parthasarthi presented himself just the reverse, He talks of simplicity while sitting in a luxuries cottage fully equipped with all modern amenities. It will be seen that Rev. Babuji could afford those luxuries of His own but did not go in for them. But, Chari could not afford them, but after having managed the Presidentship of the Mission, he could buy those luxuries at the expenses of the Mission’s fund or funds received in Mission’s Rev Babuji’s name. Rev. Babuji talked of simplicity not from the air conditioned chamber, but from the place where He would be sitting even in the hot weather under a fan. Chari ’s talks, actions and living style are not matching and they give wrong signals to sensitive persons. The innocent members of Chari , one could even call them slaves, may say he needs all these luxuries because he is old. Our reply to them is that he is old now, but Rev. Babuji used to be much older than him even before he was sacked from the post of Mission ’s Secretaryship in 1982 and even then His living style was very simple.

People may compare the truth with untruth. He could afford luxuries from His personal money, and yet He rejected them and Parthsarthi could not afford them and yet he is enjoying all the luxuries on poor men’s donation money received in Rev. Babuji’s and Mission ’s names after he got seated himself in the President’s chair.

We suggest Parthasarthi’s innocent slave members that they better read his own written book ‘May Master’ in which he honestly talked about his inner fear to meet such a great personality in a simple form but who was financially very rich,as it appeared to him. Then compare and believe what he talks now.

Founded truth is not dependent on believers (part 30)
Sharad Chandra (extraits) :

• Rev. Lalaji Saheb was not His master, it will take time for this understanding to reach the common belief, but the fact will ever remain a fact. Rev. Lalaji Saheb was practicing Suffism which has nothing to do with Sahaj Marg. If Rev. Lalaji Saheb were His Master, then why He (Rev. Babuji Maharaj) did not promote Suffism and why did He find the Sahaj Marg System ?

• Abhyasis of SRCM talk about only Rev. Babuji Maharaj founding and promoting Sahaj Marg System. Writings of Rev. Babuji Maharaj explain only about His founded System and no where does He talk about Rev. Lalaji in relation to spiritual growth under Sahaj Marg. His emphasis is only to practice the Sahaj Marg System and realise God.

• Rev. Babuji Maharaj was ‘Patanjal Rishi’ in one of His previous lives for propagation of Raj Yoga System. Observing the present need, He was born in the year 1899 as Ram Chandra popularly came to be known as “Babuji” in a rich and well known land lord family at Shahjahanpur (UP - India ).

• In this birth He modified His own propagated Raj Yoga system to suit ordinary house holder in practicing for God / Self- realisation and named it as Sahaj Marg (Natural and easy Path). He fixed His mission that it should become a way of life world over. With the same object, He propagated and suggested the mankind to practice and realise God Power within their living period.

• Founders of system never had masters nor they appointed any representative, because “Power can be shared, but cannot be transferred”, as it is not a property which can be seen but it is invisible, Powerful and omnipresent to help deservings.

For example : like Lord Jesus, Prophet Mohammad, Lord Buddha and others, Rev. Babuji Maharaj is the founder of His Sahaj Marg system. None of them were having masters nor did they appoint representatives. Globally followers of their system are getting benefits. The constant adding up of the number of followers itself is a witness.

A lire aussi : 
Crime for Wilful Demolition of Monuments /Remains, which Spiritual Heritage

6 commentaires:

4d-Don a dit…

Salut toutes et tous...

Voici le lien pour le site de Sharad Chandra, le petit fils de Babuji...

Dans la section "Spotlight" (et "Latest Events") , il y a plusieurs articles d'intéret, spécialement pour les disciples de Chari et ses matérialistes spiritualistes (Directeurs du SRCM (California-1997) et du SMSF:

De mon site (en anglais)

According to Sharad Chandra, Babuji's grandson:

* Was Lalaji, a Sufi Master of the Naqshbandiyya Sufi Order, Babuji's Master? (see here)

* Was Babuji a re-incarnation of Patanjali (founder of Raja Yoga)? (see here)

* Does the practice of the real Sahaj Marg (not Sahaj Marg (tm)) make one "clever and cunning" or "intelligent and wise"? (see here)

* Use of "charity" money for renovations of private property (homes)? (see here)

Nous ne sommes plus seuls a exposer le Sahaj Marg(tm) de Chari ... La famille de Babuji sont aussi aux remparts...


Alexis a dit…

@ Don,
Je ne mettrais pas la famille de Chari sur le même plan. Que ce soit Sharad ou Navneet, leurs intérêts ne sont pas bien clairs : trop d'argent et de pouvoir sont en jeu...
N'oublions pas que Sharad était candidat à la succession déjà en 1983 avec une lettre jugée fausse, comme le fut son oncle Umesh chandra en 1984. Il aurait pu se réveiller un peu plus tôt, il aurait pu s'allier judiciairement avec Umesh ou plus tard avec Navneet. Ils n'ont rien fait de tout ça, chacun joue son petit jeu de son côté

Alexis a dit…

Lalaji n'est pas le maître de Babuji. Dont acte !
En 1984, les seniors précepteurs (et d'autres) ont dit que le courrier de nomination de Chari par Babuji était un "faux" entre autres parce qu'il ne faisait aucune mention de son maître Lalaji.
Le courrier de nomination de Chari parle du "système du Sahaj marg", chose dont on n'entend plus jamais parler sauf dans la prose de Sharad & Kishore.
A les écouter parler, je me demande presque si ce n'est pas le courrier de nomination de chari qui est le moins faux de tous ceux qui ont circulé...

Alexis a dit…

@ Don,
Erreur, je voulais parler de la famille de Babuji, pas de celle de Chari, évidemment...

4d-Don a dit…

Alexis ...

Je suis d'accord ... Ils pètent tous plus haut que le trou!! (lol lol)

La "spiritualité" Sahaj Marg (ce Raja Yoga qui débute à l'étape #7, du "eightfold path" (8) de Patanjali) ne leurs a rien apprit. Que ce soit la famille spiritualiste de Chari ou de Babuji ou celle de Lalaji (qui servent maintenant Chari et son Sahaj Marg(tm)) ... ils sont tous "à vendre", soit pour le pouvoir "religieux" ou matériel ...

Il n'y a pas de Spiritualité là!!

Bientot, ils s'appelleront tous "PAPE" ... (les catholiques ont volés le titre (et le chapeau) de "pontiffe" des paëns)...

On peut trouver "meilleur que ça" chez nous, dans nos propres pays et cultures.


Alexis a dit…

Selon Sharad, son grand-père Babuji ne peut pas avoir de maître, sinon il aurait dû enseigner à son tour ce qu'enseignait son maître.Sinon jamais il n'aurait pu inventer le Sahaj marg comme comme Jésus inventa le christianisme ou Mahomet l'islam !
Bref, Babu Ji est à comparer à Jésus, Mohamed ou Krishna...
D'ailleurs, c'est une réincarnation de Patanjali, l'homme du raja yoga. Logique, en une vie il l'a créé, dans la suivante il l'a raffiné...
Joli portrait ! Ajoutons ses lettres à Kasturi où il évoque Lala ji assez rarement, où il intercommunique avec Vivekananda.
Lala ji n'a fait que le découvrir, comme Jean le baptiste découvrit Jésus...
Whaoouuh, quel grand saint homme ce fut. Heureusement que Chari invente le sahajmargisme pour lui rendre l'hommage qui lui est dû...