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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

2 novembre 2006

Les généreux donateurs seront les premiers servis

Après Whispers TM, voici venir la nouvelle opération commerciale de la SRCM tm. Dans Sahaj Sandesh du 1er novembre 2006, on nous annonce que Chariji TM va nous faire un merveilleux cadeau à l’occasion de son 81ème anniversaire (?), le 24 juillet 2007 à Tiruppur (Inde).
C’est tellement inhabituel qu’il est bien précisé qu’il ne s’agit pas de notre cadeau, à nous abhyasis TM, au Maître TM – mais bien du sien pour nous. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, cela se termine par le plus important : les donateurs de 1 200 US $ à la Fondation du Sahaj Marg TM seront les premiers bénéficiaires du cadeau de Chariji TM.

Capitalisme spirituel (titre repris de 4d-Don)

Rappelez vous de l'année 2005 ! LA SRCM tm annonçait la sortie imminente d'un livre dont l'auteur et le contenu sont inconnus. La souscription, basée sur la confiance, était fixée à 250 $ et devait avoir lieu avant une date donnée, sinon il serait trop tard.
Après la sortie de "Whispers", Chariji TM a interdit toute traduction même partielle du livre ainsi que les achats collectifs de sa version française. Peu après, on pouvait en lire des extraits quotidiens sur le site de la SMSF tm.
Ensuite, toujours en 2005, la SRCM tm créait l'AVC, souscription à vie pour les publications audios et vidéos, contre 1 000 $, limitée aux 2 000 premiers inscrits. C'est aussi l'année de l'envol des prix des séminaires internationaux, du remplacement d'un satsangh par une vente aux enchères, etc.

Subtilités commerciales

Le "business plan" de la SRCM tm est bien rodé, il ne change pas. On nous annonce un événement sans aucun détail, pour lequel il faut toujours payer avant une date donnée, sinon il sera trop tard pour en bénéficier. Notez seulement l'inflation : on est passé de 250 $ pour "Whispers" à 1 000 $ pour l'AVC. On arrive aujourd'hui à 1 200 $. Cela fait cher le cadeau…
Nos détracteurs n’ont pas tout à fait tort, il n’est pas obligatoire de donner pour accéder aux bienfaits du Maître. La SRCM tm est plus subtile que cela. Mais si vous donnez beaucoup alors vous bénéficiez d'un traitement prioritaire.

15 commentaires:

4d-Don a dit…

Ou sont les neo "protestants" parmi les Abhyasis?

Ou sont les "Martin Luther"?
Dans les autres "religions" on
appelle du capitalisme spirituel. Les abhyasis qui ont lache le "catholicisme" pour ca ont fait "pas arriere". Ce n'est pas du "progres" ca!!

Maintenant on a

1. "Dieu est Male!!

2. Les femmes ne peuvent pas etre "Maitre" parce qu'elles ne sont pas "assez destructives"...

3. L'homosexualite est "pas naturel"

4. On achete de "indulgences"

5. On arrange des "marriages"

6. On fait cible sur les enfants (5-7 ans)

C'est comme si on se trouvais au "moyen age"....Les Riches vont nous "guider" au Divin. Les pauvres auront moins de "credits" au "Brighter World" alors ne seront pas aussi proche du Divin que les "Riches"....

Faut-il est "brebis"?? Au pays qui nous a donne la "democratie", Rene Descartes, et les grands philosophes etc... et on est a croire que Dieu et "CA"??

Et ils (vos Maitres "etrangers") font ca en toute arrogance et sans honte!!

Levez vous les jeunes!! Aidez les pauvres, ne servez pas les Riches!!


Alexis a dit…

Appel à Peter, Inès ou Christian
Vous qui êtes en contact avec K.C. Narayana, pourriez vous lui demander de réagir au témoignage de Mr A(nonyme) sur le blog de Michael ?
En effet, leurs 2 versions du "working committee" mis en place à la mort de Babuji ne semblent pas concorder. L'un est présidé par Srivastava, l'autre comprend Chari et Narayana...
Il serait intéressant qu'il nous apporte son point de vue sur ces aspects, de même que sur la personnalité de Srivastava.
Merci si vs pouvez faire qqchose

Christian a dit…

Salut Alexis,

je sais pas si tu lis mon blog, mais je pète les plombs avec les Indiens.

Pour savoir quoi que ce soit, c'est infernal.

Entre leur manie - probablement culturelle - de ne jamais dire les choses pour ne pas heurter, et leur habitude de noyer le poisson, tu as dû remarquer que mes questions précises ne reçoivent pas toujours la réponse.

C'est un fatras d'incohérences cette affaire.

Quand au Mr A qui devait nous transmettre les lettres de la succession, il a disparu de la circulation et n'a jamais donné suite.

Bref, c'est glauque de A à Z.

Je suis donc en train de réfléchir à l'esprit Indien.
Pétard !

Alexis a dit…

Bonjour Christian,
Je vais voir ton blog assez régulièrement, mais je suis un peu perdu avec ton nouveau et ne sais pas encore trop ou chercher l'info.
Avec le temps, ça va se faire. En attendant, peux-tu me préciser où je dois regarder ? dans Spidjou ?
Autre aspect, d'après les messages de Narayana que tu as publié, il semble qu'il s'est plus dévoilé à Peter et Inès. Peut-être aura-t-on plus de réponses adaptées par leur intermédiaire...

Christian a dit…

je ne sais pas du tout ce qui se passe de leur coté, donc il faut que tu les contactes directement.
Ce sont maintenant des précepteurs occupés à tester le système, alors que je continue à jouer les rebelles et n'ai pas souhaité endosser leur rôle.
On ne peut pas être dedans et dehors, et j'avoue avoir grand peine à me positionner.
Entre les aspects que je ne comprends pas, et les aspects qu'on refuse de m'expliquer, pas évident.

4d-Don a dit…

Des contradictions au Sahaj Marg comme dans toutes les religions.

Voici des extraits d'un discours de Chari:

The Place of Education in Spirituality

"But as a Mission, we have come into a sort of invertendo in our evolutionary process too, as I observe. Babuji started with this spiritual evolution of mankind. He concentrated solely only on spiritual practice. The few books that were available when I joined this Mission—Reality at Dawn, Commentary on the Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg, Towards Infinity, Philosophy of Sahaj Marg—were all from his heart. And they were, in a sense, the summum bonum of spiritual values, summum bonum of spiritual teaching, and all that was necessary to practice to try to become like Him.

Then came the need for a physical expression of this, and so the Mission started putting up ashrams one by one, one by one. In his lifetime, there were but few. Today there are many—many outside in the world, many in India too.
(Dehors dans le MONDE"?? L'Inde est "dedans le MONDE"?? (une Freudienne) So from the spiritual, we came down to the physical. Now in swinging back and forth, we have come down to the mid-point and we are going to try to offer education so that the mind knows what this is all about, the intelligence doesn’t have to speculate. It absorbs what is given to it and makes use of it. In the Indian tradition, education which cannot be used in one’s lifetime is a waste of time. (Et la contradiction...Maintenant il y a quelque chose "d'essentiel a notre spiritualite: l'education". Et la logique?... et le "bons sens"? la philosohie?... et plus de Mythes megalo???) In India there is no unnecessary learning. We are taught to learn what is essential for our spiritual progress. Babuji Maharaj said that Lalaji gave him enough, and what was that enough? We don’t know, because probably it was a few words: do and learn and become.

So the process of learning has a place between the doing and becoming. That, we are trying to expand beyond the sutra [aphorism] form, as given by Lalaji Maharaj, because some background of world religions, world cultures, world nuances of how people live, the ability to appreciate without criticism [is necessary]. That as people are many, so are the ways of life, so are the modes of education, so are cultural mores, so are even truths.

So you see, we are now swinging into one point of the pendulum where we are trying to tackle this educational phase of our spiritual life, because there are parts of this world where the spiritual system without any educational base, or knowledge base, is not considered a total system. It is linked with New Age in California and voodoo in Africa and humbug in India! So we have to set all these misconceptions straight, and our people in India have to lose this pride that the Hindu teaching is the best teaching, the Vedas are the ultimate teachings, and that the Indian God is God of all. There is no Indian God, there is no Christian God, there is no Muslim God; God is One, though He is known by many different names.

Regardez ce qu'on enseigne aux enfants a l'ecole OMEGA:

God is Male, Nature is Female

Et on continue:

Essentially, Sahaj Marg teaches of a God who has no name, no form, no attributes. I was interested to learn from a recent book that what I said about fifteen years ago in a talk at Hyderabad—that God is not a person but a principle—has been voiced by Western philosophers, deep thinkers into what these things are and mean, because God cannot really be a person if you think over it. If he is a person, he can be destroyed. If he is powerful, then there can be something more powerful. If he is educated, there can be someone more educated. If he is big, there can be someone bigger. If he is small, there can be someone smaller. So the Hindu tradition, the Vedic tradition describes him as anoraniyaan mahatomahiyaan—smaller than the smallest, bigger than the biggest. Now, we are at liberty to conjure up whatever figure or image of the divine existence that we wish to choose, but they will all be fruitless. Because Vedic tradition also speaks of Shiva trying to find out this Ultimate, assuming the form of a swan and going from beginning to end, and finally finding that there is no beginning, there is no end. Therefore the Divine is called anaadi anantam—beginning-less, endless,But as a Mission, we have come into a sort of invertendo in our evolutionary process too, as I observe. Babuji started with this spiritual evolution of mankind. He concentrated solely only on spiritual practice. The few books that were available when I joined this Mission—Reality at Dawn, Commentary on the Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg, Towards Infinity, Philosophy of Sahaj Marg—were all from his heart. And they were, in a sense, the summum bonum of spiritual values, summum bonum of spiritual teaching, and all that was necessary to practice to try to become like Him.

Chari parle comme si il avait par "inspiration", "invente" et dit quelque chose de "nouveau", et que les "hommes savants" maintenant connaissent la "verite" et tout le monde l'imitent!!....C'est tellement "magalo"...C'est Chari qui "deparle"...Ce n'est pas un intellectuel, ni un philosophe, ni un theologien?? C'est un capitaliste, gerant de MOULIN!! qui se pense "illumine"...

Et on continue...

Then came the need for a physical expression of this, and so the Mission started putting up ashrams one by one, one by one. In his lifetime, there were but few. Today there are many—many outside in the world,
dehors dans le monde?? Bonte divine!!! Il detraque!!! (many in India too. So from the spiritual, we came down to the physical. Now in swinging back and forth, we have come down to the mid-point and we are going to try to offer education so that the mind knows what this is all about, the intelligence doesn’t have to speculate. It absorbs what is given to it and makes use of it. In the Indian tradition, education which cannot be used in one’s lifetime is a waste of time. In India there is no unnecessary learning. We are taught to learn what is essential for our spiritual progress. Babuji Maharaj said that Lalaji gave him enough, and what was that enough? We don’t know, because probably it was a few words: do and learn and become.

So the process of learning has a place between the doing and becoming. That, we are trying to expand beyond the sutra [aphorism] form, as given by Lalaji Maharaj, because some background of world religions, world cultures, world nuances of how people live, the ability to appreciate without criticism [is necessary]. That as people are many, so are the ways of life, so are the modes of education, so are cultural mores, so are even truths.

So you see, we are now swinging into one point of the pendulum where we are trying to tackle this educational phase of our spiritual life, because there are parts of this world where the spiritual system without any educational base, or knowledge base, is not considered a total system. It is linked with New Age in California and voodoo in Africa and humbug in India! So we have to set all these misconceptions straight, and our people in India have to lose this pride that the Hindu teaching is the best teaching, the Vedas are the ultimate teachings, and that the Indian God is God of all. There is no Indian God, there is no Christian God, there is no Muslim God; God is One, though He is known by many different names.

Essentially, Sahaj Marg teaches of a God who has no name, no form, no attributes. I was interested to learn from a recent book that what I said about fifteen years ago in a talk at Hyderabad—that God is not a person but a principle—has been voiced by Western philosophers, deep thinkers into what these things are and mean, because God cannot really be a person if you think over it. If he is a person, he can be destroyed. If he is powerful, then there can be something more powerful. If he is educated, there can be someone more educated. If he is big, there can be someone bigger. If he is small, there can be someone smaller. So the Hindu tradition, the Vedic tradition describes him as anoraniyaan mahatomahiyaan—smaller than the smallest, bigger than the biggest. Now, we are at liberty to conjure up whatever figure or image of the divine existence that we wish to choose, but they will all be fruitless. Because Vedic tradition also speaks of Shiva trying to find out this Ultimate, assuming the form of a swan and going from beginning to end, and finally finding that there is no beginning, there is no end. Therefore the Divine is called anaadi anantam—beginning-less, endless,timeless."

Vous voyez que le Sahaj Marg (tm) n'est plus de la "spiritualite" mais de l'education ou l'indoctrination des prochaines generations (les jeunes) dans L'hindouisme de Chari...Le Sahaj Marg (tm) est devenue exactement une copie des religions du "monde d'en dehors"!!! Grace a Chari!!!

La spiritualite Soufi de Lalaji et le Sahaj Marg de Babuji sont completement parti et Chari le dit lui-meme, que maintenant, l'education (l'indoctrination) est "l'essentiel" et leur "modus operandi"...


Christian a dit…

Bonne conclusion.

Je commente son texte:

"But as a Mission, we have come into a sort of invertendo [ça...] in our evolutionary process too, as I observe [devrait dire: as I create]. Babuji started with this spiritual evolution of mankind [and as his successor you twisted all his work into a crap. You will have to go back to clean the mess...]. He concentrated solely only on spiritual practice [what you forgot to do. There is nothing else more important]. The few books that were available when I joined this Mission—Reality at Dawn, Commentary on the Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg, Towards Infinity, Philosophy of Sahaj Marg—were all from his heart. And they were, in a sense [why "in a sense": you don't even believe this?], the summum bonum of spiritual values, summum bonum of spiritual teaching, and all that was necessary to practice to try to become like Him."

Vous avez remarqué qu'il parle des "commandments" et pas des maximes?
Il considère par ailleurs les ouvrages de Babuji comme le must (excepté ce "in a sense" suspect). Sous-entendu, ce qui a été produit ensuite...

"Then came the need for a physical expression of this, and so the Mission started putting up ashrams one by one, one by one. In his lifetime, there were but few. Today there are many—many outside in the world, many in India too."

Là, il commence à foirer. "The need"?? Il devrait dire "mon désir". Parce que si vous lisez correctement ce qui est écrit, "In his lifetime, there were but few". Donc, "the need for a physical expression of this", c'est bien lui qui l'a créé, pas Babuji.

Il admet ainsi - toujours implicitement - à l'Indienne - et peut-être même sans s'en rendre compte, comme pour les dérives de la SRCMtm qu'il a produit - que (1) les ouvrages produits par quelqu'un d'autre que Babuji sont superflu, et (2) que son désir personnel a causé une matérialité, donc un alourdissement, donc une dérive.

"So from the spiritual, we came down to the physical": donc nous avons chuté, signifiant, donc j'ai fait chuter la mission.

"Now in swinging back and forth, we have come down to the mid-point"

c'est toujours plus bas que le point dont on était parti. Est-ce que ce point intermédiaire implique qu'on va y rester, ou qu'on va continuer à descendre? Car je ne vois pas comment on pourrait remonter.

Mais il semble satisfait de lui puisqu'il propose, pour stabiliser la situation à ce niveau:

"and we are going to try to offer education so that the mind knows what this is all about, the intelligence doesn’t have to speculate. It absorbs what is given to it and makes use of it."

Il est quand même honnête, puisqu'il dit que maintenant ils vont essayer d'offrir l'éducation. Sauf que ce n'est pas de l'éducation qu'il va offrir, mais de l'endoctrinement. Encore une fois, le but de la SRCMtm est d'éduquer spirituellement (sous Babuji), alors je ne vois pas pourquoi, désormais, ils vont essayer d'éduquer alors que c'était ce qui aurait dû être fait depuis le début. De plus, il ne parle pas d'une éducation spirituelle, mais intellectuelle. Quand on pense que les pratiquants de ce système passent leur temps à fustiger le mental et considèrent l'intelligence comme une valeur négative, ils vont tout soudain se mettre à utiliser leur intellect!! N'importe quoi.

On voit bien que Chari n'est pas un éducateur, et que son projet n'est pas de l'éducation, mais de la manipulation mentale ("It absorbs what is given to it and makes use of it"). Il ne comprend rien à l'éducation, qui consiste à donner faim et soif, à faire grandir le discernement avec la compréhension du monde, et non à gaver et à endormir. Il veux surtout éviter que les gens ne se mettent à penser et à réfléchir ("the intelligence doesn’t have to speculate").

Mais nous savions déjà tout ça depuis que nous avons tous travaillé à analyser la situation. Ici, il ne s'agit que d'une preuve dans le discours - donc la pensée - du Chari.

"Babuji Maharaj said that Lalaji gave him enough, and what was that enough? We don’t know, because probably it was a few words: do and learn and become"

Voilà probablement pourquoi la nature sufie du sahaj marg s'est perdue et que Babuji a cru créer une nouvelle tradition spirituelle (rendez-vous sur mon blog spidi pour ce développement et pour en discuter).

Concernant le fait que pour Chari dieu soit un principe masculin vs. nature un principe féminin, je crois qu'il y a une origine védique à ce point, mais ton texte a été mal copié-collé.

Freud dit quelque chose d'intéressant dans "Le Malaise dans la Culture" sur l'origine possible de ce caractère masculin de dieu dans les religions, et je crois bien que Chari n'échappe pas à cet aspect infantile.

"Cette Providence, l'homme du commun ne peut se la représenter autrement que dans la personne d'un père exalté jusqu'au grandiose. Seul un tel père peut connaitre les besoins de l'enfant des hommes, être attendri par ses demandes, apaisé par les signes de son repentir."

"Tout cela est si manifestement infantile, si étranger à la réalité effective, que si l'on est porté à aimer les hommes il est douloureux de penser que la grande majorité des mortels ne s'élèvera jamais au-dessus de cette conception de la vie."

Je ne prétends pas que Chari personnifie dieu en un homme, mais il lui donne tout de même un statut masculin. C'est pour moi un indice que ce que dit Freud n'est pas totalement faux dans le cas de Chari.

C'est donc bien une contradiction, en effet, car Chari admet par ailleur ce que Babuji disait sur dieu, qu'il s'agit de la rienté.

4d-Don a dit…

Salut a tous et toutes...

J'ai recu d'un anonyme, du materiel du SRCM(tm) et de l'ONU et j'ai mis le materiel sur mon blog en anglais.

Voici Une lettre de Babuji a l'ONU en 1957 avec commentaires par 4d-don qui demontre ou le Sahaj Marg de Babuji etait d'accord avec l'ONU et ou le Sahaj Marg de Chari ne l'est pas. Il y a deux autres documents que je vais poster sur mon blog ...Je le posterai ici si vous permettez et si quelqu'un le pense "important", pourra le traduire pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l'anglais...

Merci et Salut a tous...



I add my comments for the abhyasis who are interested in seeing and understanding where SRCMtm does not adhere to the UN's goals and disregards the advice given by Babuji in 1957. This is from Babuji's mouth and pen and is not "channelled" from beyond the grave. (I will italicise the sections I comment on in a different color and font.)

Letter to the U.N.O.
N..B349 / SRCM
Shahjahanpur, U.P.
Dated 8th July 1957

Dear Sir,

I am glad to receive your bulletin and I pour forth my warm thanks for the awakening for peace created among our brethren of the world. The idea of peace common in all minds, though shattered by the self of the individual mind, is working on individualistic basis to gain one’s own end on account of the narrow mindedness of people. To dissipate the idea of individual self and to work harmoniously for the common good is the demand of the time. The conferences and meetings held for the purpose may only be like spark to offer a temporary glow to the scattered fragment of peace. Their cries in the wilderness will not carry far on the path of success because of the material agony of faith working at the bottom. (read this carefully)

What we, therefore, require at present is only to improve the morals and to discipline the mind. We must learn how to create within the heart a feeling of universal love, which is surest remedy of all evils and can help to free us from the horrors of war. I perfectly agree with our friend late Mr. Bernard Malan when he expresses his faith to unite in the common search for happiness. Happiness, of course, is necessary to end all grief. But it is like the Black wall of the scientists, which does not allow them to proceed further towards universal love. To come up to the level of real happiness we must necessarily rise above ourselves, which is essential for the creation of atmosphere of universal love. (This means forget the self-centered goal of "the central region" and the "Mission" and think of your family, neighbour, Universal LOVE that according to Chari, Sahaj Marg preceptors are now "destroying" etc..) That is the primary factor in the solution of the problem. India has ever since been in search of it. She did not encroach upon other countries for war and blood shed not for reason of her cowardice but because she realized her pious duty towards humanity. They were happy in their own homes in spite of the torturous incursions of their nations. (These incursions of SRCM(tm) into other countries is not to unite families and societies, but causes divisions through the disrespect of the religions, cultures, and families of the targeted countries...see Chari's speeches) These tortures were to them nothing but flowers sent by the Divine Master to coach them to proper steps necessary for the uplift of mankind individually and collectively.

The seed of it is so deeply laid that still its branches bear blossoms filling the air with the sweet fragrance of peace and happiness. It is so firmly rooted that even the worst tempest cannot uproot it. Such are the things necessary for the uplift of mankind, which everyone, occidental or oriental must treat as a part of his duty. Unless the foundation of peace is made to rest on spiritual basis no better prospects can be expected. It is but definite and certain that sooner or later we will have to adopt spiritual principles if we want to maintain our existence. If the material force can avert the incursions and attacks, blood shed cannot be avoided because even then we have to apply force causing thereby bloodshed on either side. Arrogance can not be stopped by material force. It is only the spiritual force, which can remove the causes of war from the minds of people. (the "arrogant" incursions of the "material force" that are castles, ranches, ashrams, and the "spiritual capitalism" that is the "gift to "or from" the Master, etc...will cause divisions as Babuji warned. Chari did not listen to Babuji and Dr. Varadachari then, he does not listen now. The spiritual force that was Sahaj Marg is now a cancerous "material force" with a steady incursion into more and more countries. It practices the cultural mores of the Hindu culture (arranged marriages, etc..) and disregards the local "customs", Holy days and family days (Christmas, Easter, etc) and even disrespects the religions and the God of the targeted cultures. (see Chari's speeches)
How to introduce these things among the masses who are yet unfamiliar with the accuracy of the mark is the next problem and is equally intricate. If my opinion were to be invited I would lay down the simplest possible method as given below.

Let all brothers and sisters sit daily at a fixed hour individually at our respective places and meditate for about an hour thinking that all people of the World are growing peace – loving and pious.

This process, suggested not with exclusively spiritual motives, (notice this sentence...think about it) is highly efficacious in bringing about the desired result and weaving the destiny of the miserable millions. With prayer (not with self-centered, and self-serving "Method" of meditation, but a meditation and a "prayer" for others) for the success of your noble mission

Yours sincerely,

Ram ChandraPresident,
Shri Ram Chandra Mission


Babuji and Sahaj Marg was "spiritual plus" and did not "commercialize" the Mission. That was done after his death by others.

Christian a dit…

"Chari did not listen to Babuji and Dr. Varadachari then, he does not listen now"

He is an arogant brat, as well as all his groupies: a liar, an impostor abusing people. Just read again what Babuji said about the false gurus.

N'empêche qu'à l'ONU, ils avaient dû halluciner quand ils ont reçu la lettre de Babuji: à moins d'être spirituel, ce message apparait comme provenir d'un doux rêveur sinon d'un allumé.

Quand tu sais que l'ONU n'est plus qu'une administration putride, gangrénée par les intrigues politiques, tu te dis que finalement, SRCMtm & ONU forment un couple parfait.

Souhaitons-leur donc une longue histoire d'intrigues politiques sordides, puisque c'est la seule chose qui a motivé cette union.

Un terreau fertile pour des dérives supplémentaires.

Christian a dit…

PS: Don, essaie de voir avec tes sources si tu peux nous trouver les lettres de succession, qu'on y regarde de plus prêt. Après tout, puisque tout est si claen, pourquoi tout abhyasi n'y a-t-il pas accès?

4d-Don a dit…

Salut a tous et toutes

Un "anonyme" m'a fait parvenir ce document et j'y ai ajoute mes "commentaires" en anglais...


United Nations and the Delinquency of SRCM(tm)
NOTE: My comments are in a different font and a different color


Adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, (criticism of the Mission has been met with "threats of legal action", Chari has called Hinduism "corrupt" and has disrespected Christianity in his speeches, and "fear" (intellectual terrorism) has been used by the Master to prevent abhyasis from leaving the Mission.)

From Speech on this site where he accuses other "religions" of using "fear and temptation":

"How to enforce a man's behavior in the pursuit of the goal was the next question and here fear came in all too handy -- the fear of punishment for swerving from the performance of religious rituals stipulated; the fear of punishment for not supporting the body of one's own religion in its continued existence; the fear of retribution for acts forbidden; and so on and so forth. Therefore, fear on one hand, and temptation on the other, would be a fair representation of religious activity, and religious control."


PS. read also 4-d don's comments on this blog. This is from 4d-don's comment:

"For those who are well advanced and for those who are advancing rapidly, please remember that without Constant Remembrance your life is fraught with great risks, not because there are dangers outside, but the danger is here, you see, in the heart. It is better to be a non-spiritual materialist whose heart is full of rubbish, because he cannot take anymore. There is no vacuum in his heart; whereas for a spiritual advancing person, there is a potential risk in every exposure. Because if this vacuum connection can be broken even for a moment and disconnected and connected elsewhere –God help him!"
Constant Remembrance, Sahaj Marg Education Series, p.147 -Rev.Chariji)

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, (Chari on gay rights legislation: "it is a very blatant misuse of so-called privileges of the human being, fundamental rights, et cetera."


Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, (According to Chari, women cannot be Masters as they are not "destructive" enough, and his arranged marriages, his statements on Homosexuality, and other religions has him delinquent on this statement of the UN preamble.)

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, (SRCM (tm) does not promote the equality rights of women and the fundamental rights of homosexuals, gays and lesbians as the opposite has been shown above. SRCM is delinquent here also.)

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, (SRCM (tm) does not have an understanding of these rights and freedoms. SRCM (tm) is delinquent here)


Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. (SRCM is delinquent and does not address these rights and does not keep them in mind. SRCM (tm) is delinquent.)


Since 12 December 2005, the Shri Ram Chandra Mission is in working relationship with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI). This association in the sixtieth year of the founding of the Mission by Shri Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur, India, in 1945 coincides with the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations.

As an international non-governmental organization that works in support of the public good and fulfills the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter, Shri Ram Chandra Mission joins 1,558 non-governmental organizations worldwide that are currently associated with DPI. This association constitutes a commitment on the part of the Mission to disseminate information and raise public awareness about the purposes and activities of the United Nations and issues of global concern.

The United Nations recognizes the need for solidarity, goodwill and collective responsibility amongst the world’s nations and peoples in order to establish a lasting peace and sustainable development for all. To this end, it has been establishing partnerships with local, national and international, non-profit, service-oriented voluntary groups that share similar values.

Since 1945, Shri Ram Chandra Mission has been providing a spiritual and worldly platform for people in now more than ninety nations. Every day, in its ashrams and hundreds of centres, people come together to foster mutual love, trust and universal brotherhood transcending the boundaries of race, religion, nationality, colour, language, education, caste, sect, age and social standing.
The Mission achieves this unity in purpose by offering, for free, a simple and practical method of spiritual practice that unfolds the full potential within an individual who then assumes responsibility for personal growth and social change. Over the decades, guided by Revered Master, Shri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, the Mission has actively promoted human integration and invoked within the hearts of its practitioners the belief that all life is sacred.
Our involvement with the United Nations comes at a time when more individuals around the world are benefiting from the Mission’s services, and when the emblematic purpose of the United Nations to become a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations is ever more in need of support.
Recognizing the urgency for people with similar values to convene on a shared foundation, Shri Ram Chandra Mission embraces this association in the faith that, ultimately, selfless actions will govern the destiny of human beings.

(SRCM and its abhyasis do not practice "selfless actions" but are obsessed in the "goal" of Mission (growing the business) and their own personal goal of reaching the "Central Region" or the "brighter World" (heaven). SRCM (tm) and its preceptors, prefects and abhyasis are delinquent in their service to the community, friends, relatives and family. As per the Mission's Master, the relationship with the family and relatives is to be seen as "the inner bond should appear severed" , and "you will have no relatives" (New Year's address Jan. 1, 2001) and "refrain from entering into monetary transactions with relatives".
Salient Features of Sahaj Marg (SMRI Series 3) )

posted by 4d-Don @ 11/13/2006


Alexis a dit…

Voici quelques éléments glanés de ci de là, depuis les 11 principes de l'ordre soufi des Naqshbandis, en passant par les messages de Lalaji selon le Ramashram Satsang, les 10 commandements de Babuji pour en arriver aux priorités de la SRCMtm.

On peut y noter que déjà les soufis prônent la disparition de l'individualité, fanâ ou "extinction", ce qiue l'on peut rapprocher en partie des morts vivants de Babuji, mais qui est probablement commun à un très grand nombre de spiritualités. Plus intéressant, ils pratiquent une sorte de souvenir constant de la présence divine et la méditation silencieuse du cœur. Lalaji introduit la place du gourou, au même niveau que celle de Dieu, début de la grande confusion, mais les pratiques ne sont pas encore bien formalisés. Les 10 commandements du Sahaj Marg de Babuji, cette fois, jette les bases de la pratique quotidienne (prière, cleaning, méditation quotidiennes). Et la SRCMtm relègue ses commandements à la fin de sa liste, après les avoir rebaptisés "maximes", très loin derrière le souvenir constant.

L'ordre soufi des naqshbandîs et ses 11 principes :

C’est au nord-ouest de la Perse et en Asie centrale que les premiers contacts entre soufisme, hindouisme et bouddhisme ont eu lieu. Certains concepts de ces courants religieux semblent au premier abord assez proches du soufisme. Un parallèle peut notamment être établi entre l’« extinction », fanâ, soufi, et le nirvâna. « Les deux termes impliquent la disparition de l’individualité, mais alors que le nirvâna est purement négatif, le fanâ est accompagné de la baqâ, la vie éternelle en Dieu.

La tariqa naqshbandiyya tire son nom de Bahâ’uddîn Shâh Naqshband, qui est considéré comme son maître, bien qu’il ne l’aie pas fondée. Abû Ya’qûb Yûsuf al-Hamadânî, né en 1140, et ‘Abd al-Khâliq al-Ghujdawânî, né en 1179, en sont les fondateurs.

Cet ordre soufi a répandu son influence de la Turquie à l’Inde, en passant par le Caucase et l’Asie centrale. C’est aujourd’hui l’une des principales confréries soufi du sous-continent indien. Les naqshbandîs pratiquent entre autres la « méditation silencieuse du cœur » et sont connus comme les « soufis silencieux ».

La voie naqsbandi est basée sur onze principes ou exercices :

1. Yâd kard (le souvenir ou « faire mention »), oralement et mentalement : consiste en la répétition constante du dhikr (invocations) qui nous a été attribué, afin d’atteindre la vision de la béatitude.
2. Bâz gasht (la contrainte ou retenue) : quand celui qui pratique le dhikr est en train de répéter la shahâda, il devrait y interposer des phrases telles que « Mon Dieu, tu es mon but et ta satisfaction est mon but », afin d’éviter que ses pensées ne s’égarent.
3. Nigâh dâsht (la vigilance) : être vigilant vis-à-vis des pensées qui pourraient nous égarer, lorsque l’on répète la phrase sacrée (la shahâda).
4. Yâd dâsht (le souvenir) : se concentrer sur la présence divine dans un état de dhawq (sensibilité), d’avant-goût, d’anticipation intuitive ou de perception, sans aide extérieure.
5. Hôsh dar dam (conscience de la respiration) : il s’agit de la technique du contrôle de la respiration. L’on ne doit pas exhaler ou inhaler de façon négligente, sans y penser.
6. Safar dar watan (voyager vers sa patrie) : c’est un voyage intérieur, un mouvement allant des qualités blâmables vers des qualités louables.
7. Nazar bar qadam (être attentif à l’endroit où l’on marche) : le pèlerin doit toujours être attentif à ce que son regard ne soit pas distrait du but de son voyage.
8. Khalwat dar anjuman (la solitude parmi une foule) : le voyage du pèlerin, bien qu’il se déroule en apparence dans le monde, est un voyage intérieur avec Dieu.
9. Wuqûf zamânî (la conscience du temps) : consiste à être conscient de la manière dont on passe notre temps : en restant sur la bonne voie, ou en s’en égarant auquel cas on doit se repentir.
10. Wuqûf ‘adadî (la conscience des nombres) : compter le nombre de dhikr pour empêcher les mauvaises pensées de nous envahir.
11. Wuqûf qalbî (la conscience du cœur) : cela consiste à diriger son coeur vers la présence divine uniquement. Le dhikr est en effet prescrit dans le but de contrôler et éviter les turbulences du cœur.

Les 8 messages de Lalaji selon le Ramashram Satsang Mathura :

1. Prayer is the food for human mind.
2. Feeling the presence (of Guru or God) at all times, in all situations is true knowledge.
3. To be happy in all situations is the quintessential duty of human beings.
4. Don’t hurt anyone. Keep heart clean of desires.
5. Avoid company of nonbelievers.
6. There is no reason to show off. Our objective is to keep our Guru or God happy and live as per his will.
7. Strive towards self-less service for all human kind and avoid taking help from others.
8. Pray – God, please fill me up with your devotion

Les 10 Commandements de Sri Ramchandra "Babuji" selon l'ISRC :

1. Rise before dawn. Offer your prayer and puja(Worship) at a fixed hour preferably before sunrise, sitting in one and the same pose. Have a separate place and 'asan'(seat) for worship. Purity of mind and body be specially adhered to.
2. Begin your puja with a prayer for spiritual elevation with a heart full of love and devotion.
3. Fix up your goal which should be 'Complete Oneness' with God. Rest not till the ideal is achieved.
4. Be plain and simple to be identical with Nature.
5. Be truthful. Take miseries as Divine Blessings for your own good and be thankful.
6. Know all people as thy brethren and treat them as such.
7. Be not revengeful for the wrongs done by the others. Take them with gratitude as heavenly gifts.
8. Be happy to eat in constant divine thought whatever you get, with due regard to honest and pious earnings.
9. Mould your living so as to rouse a feeling of love and piety in others.
10. At bed time, feeling the presence of God, repent for the wrongs committed. Beg forgiveness in a supplicant mood, resolving not to allow repetition of the same.

La SRCMtm propose 6 outils pratiques aux nouveaux abhyasis (dans cet ordre) :

1. Lecture de condition
2. Cultiver le souvenir constant
3. Méditation
4. Cleaning
5. Tenir son journal
6. Les 10 maximes

Christian a dit…


le prefet de la SRCMtm est un canal. le maitre utilise ce canal pour faire le travail spirituel. c'est le maitre qui est assis à la place du prefet et qui donne le sitting.

certains abhyasis développent un attachement à leur prefet. ce fait n'est pas encouragé, au contraire, car l'abhyasi se détourne ainsi du maitre.

alors? le préfet est-il le canal du maitre, le maitre est-il à la place du préfet, ou non?

Christian a dit…

Salut Alexis,

peux-tu fournir un ajout à ton message précédent pour qu'on localise précisément les sources de l'information?


4d-Don a dit…

Salut a tous et toutes...

Voici l'invitation a la "competition" pour la commemoration de la 81 ieme fete de Chari. Notez que les gagnants doivent "payer leurs frais de voyages"....Le prix, "La vacance" c'est quoi au juste si on doit payer ses depenses de voyages.??

Et encore, des "prix" spirituels en or et argent pour apprendre aux enfants le "but" de "gagner"...comme dans le sport et la guerre....C'est de la religion mais pas du "spirituel", ces "competitions"...


We are extremely happy to announce that a Special Essay Competition will be held for abhyasis and their children all over the world in commemoration of the 81st Birthday of our Beloved Master Pujyashri Parthasarathi Rajagopalachariji, next year.

There will be two categories – the Seniors and the Juniors.

For the Senior group, (age 18 – 30) the topic will be - "The purpose of human life?"

For the Junior group, (age 12 – 17) the topic will be - "What is a Guru for?"

The International category will be adjudged separately from the Indian competition.

This essay competition will be restricted to abhyasis and their children, and in English language only.

No schools are to be approached for writing essays for the year 2007.

Prizes will be separate for the two categories.

Rev. Master has been magnanimous in granting prizes, which we are sure will motivate every entrant to participate whole-heartedly and seriously in the essay writing.

The prizes will be as follows:

1st Prize - Junior group: The President's Gold Cup, and a week's holiday in Satkhol with the parents.

Senior group: The President's Gold Cup, and a week's holiday in Satkhol with spouse (no children).

Participants will have to pay for all travel by themselves.

2nd Prize - The President's Silver Cup, for both categories.

3rd prize - The President’s Bronze Cup, for both categories.

La "spiritualite" pour gagner des prix en "matiere" (or, argent et bronze)....AH!!, C'est la derive complete au Sahaj Marg...Au moins ce ne sont pas des "indulgences"
C'est tres important d'enseigner ca aux enfants pour la "paix" dans le monde. Il faut "gagner" a tout prix. Machievielli!!

Voici un autre point dans le Sahaj Sandesh No.: 2006.85 - Tuesday, 14, 2006

Children's Day was celebrated on Sunday, the 12th November '2006 at Lalaji Memorial Omega School, Kolapakkam, Chennai.

An exhibition was conducted by the children of the school coinciding with the occasion - the theme being "Invincible India - An Insight". Rev. Master Graced the occasion by His physical presence.

Apparement, il faut enseigner ca aux enfants aussi afin qu'ils soient "spirituel" et de bon citoyens du "monde"...n'est-ce pas du "nationalisme" ca?...pas de la spiritualite!! On ne parle pas de "invincibilite" de d'etre "humain" ou de "l'esprit" humain mais des "indes", une "nation"...C'est tres "americain" ca..."Dieu et mon Pays"!!!

On voit maintenant que les petits francais qui atteignent cette ecole, vont croire que les Indes sont "invincible" et non pas "la France"...Parce que la "France" (catholique) n'est pas "spirituelle" ils diront aux enfants!!!...Et les brebis francais (les parents) seront d'accord!!! La "nation" Francaise est en "peril"!!!

Ah! Ah! Ah!....Quelle derive!!!

