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439 articles – 3449 commentaires – Dernier ajout le 9/09/2017

“Take criticism seriously, without anger or sadness. Use it for correcting yourself, and welcome it.”
Kamlesh Patel (1/04/2015)

21 décembre 2008

Adoration et flagornerie

La SRCM se conjugue-t-elle au masculin ou bien au féminin ?

On dit souvent qu’il y a beaucoup de femmes à la SRCM, qu’en est-il vraiment dans la réalité ?

Si l’on se limite aux seuls précepteurs hommes et femmes, la réponse varie d’un endroit à un autre. D’un côté on a l’Inde (3 quarts d’hommes), l’Afrique (2 tiers) et les USA (58%) très masculins, à l’opposé on a l’Europe (64% de femmes) avec la France en avant (70%), les îles britanniques et le Canada (2 tiers), puis l’Allemagne et la Suisse (64%), le Danemark n’atteignant péniblement que 57%. Océanie, Amérique latine et Asie hors Inde sont dans la moyenne avec une légère prépondérance féminine (53 à 54%).
Vérification faite sur un échantillon de plus de 500 abhyasis originaires de différents centres européens, cette tendance à la féminisation se confirme et s'accentue : la proportion de femmes abhyasis s'accroît encore de plus de 5% par rapport à celle qui est observ��e chez les précepteurs.

Sociologiquement, la population du Sahaj Marg est clairement scindée en deux. D'un côté, un monde encore très patriarcal en Inde et en Afrique ainsi qu'une forte proportion d'indiens parmi les précepteurs aux USA ; de l'autre côté, un monde occidental très largement dominé par des femmes en milieu de vie. Précepteurs indiens contre préceptrices européennes, deux mondes qui n'ont rien à voir, hormis le Sahaj Marg. Une supposition, les causes profondes de leur attachement à Chari divergent totalement d'un endroit à l'autre. Le divorce entre l'Inde et l'Occident est flagrant !

L'Inde évolue entre tradition et modernité, à l'image de Chari. Tout comme leur gourou, les précepteurs indiens sont attirés par les feux du pouvoir et de l'argent. Approcher Chari, c'est intégrer un réseau de relations bien placées, des cercles politiques et financiers jusque là inaccessibles, dans l'espoir de profiter de retombées personnelles providentielles.

A l'inverse, nos chères préceptrices occidentales sont un peu perdues, dans une quête très égocentrique d'un équilibre affectif. Leur profil n'est pas celui de la ménagère de moins de 50 ans dressé par les publicistes, mais bien plutôt celui d'une femme en pleine crise du milieu de vie, brossé à grands traits par un précepteur psychiatre il y a déjà plus de 10 ans. A la lecture de leurs échanges avec Chari, on ne peut que confirmer ce constat alarmant. Détresses familiale, affective et sociale se transforment en une sainte adoration sans bornes pour leur gourou. Chari leur sert de béquille psychologique, là où tout le reste a échoué, notamment nos psychothérapeutes. L'équilibre est précaire mais la relation n'en est que plus forte, ravageuse et dévastatrice. Unique et exclusive !

La France c'est donc plus de 75% de femmes abhyasis, 70% de préceptrices et une vice présidente, étrangère mais une femme. Au dessus, c'est aussi un administrateur de zone masculin et un administrateur de région masculin. Plus on grimpe dans la hiérarchie, plus la SRCM devient masculine. Globalement, le taux de femmes "centre-in-charge" (vice présidentes nationales) chute déjà à 50%, les administrateurs de régions sont presque tous des hommes, le Comité du président est à 100% masculin et le président lui-même est un homme, sachant qu'il a clairement annoncé que le Maître ne pourrait jamais être une femme.

Des légions de femmes au garde à vous, esclaves d'une Mission, d'un président et de ses quelques lieutenants masculins. Des hordes de femmes énamourées d'un gourou charismatique. Cela ressemble à juste titre au portrait des groupies adolescentes hystériques face à leur boys band préféré…

Deux mondes, oui. Mais dans tous les cas, on est très éloigné d'une spiritualité qui élève vers un niveau supérieur de l'évolution. Dans tous les cas, on entretient une relation exclusive et malsaine dans un but très individualiste et égocentrique. Adoration ou flagornerie, des comportements qui ont un avenir limité. Limité à la durée de vie d'un homme providentiel. Pourvoyeur de moyens matériels pour les uns, grand psychothérapeute universel pour les autres, ce leader charismatique a su saisir les opportunités qu'offre à loisir notre univers quotidien.

Histoire d'une symbiose efficace mais éphémère. Adoration et flagornerie de la part des abhyasis, recherche de la puissance et de l'argent de la part d'un arriviste invétéré !
A l'image terriblement ordinaire de notre monde moderne…


4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…


Merci de cette analyse...C'a nous dit beaucoup de nos societe occidentale et orientale, et specialement de la SRCM.


Anonyme a dit…

Salut a tous et toutes...

Voici un autre SRCM:

Sadler Rainford Capital Management

Joyeux Noel et Bonne et heureuse annee a tous...


Anonyme a dit…

Head or heart

One of the arguments presented by all cult apologist is one should follow heart and not there head, I have been wondering over this point for some time, and did a bit of thinking as well, so I decided to express my views about listing to the heart or following the head.

What I have observed is that heart is very misleading. How ?

What do you think of those who follow cults? Do they follow their brain? Of course not! They follow their hearts and because heart can be fooled and as the result they are also fooled. Because first we have to establish the path that we are taking is the right one and this can be done only by using our brain.

Even if I choose to follow my heart, why would I want to follow sahaj marg? This is a very ugly faith. It only attracts the criminals. Decent humans are disgusted by it. Are these zombies sure that they follow their heart? or is it fear? Are they not appalled by the violence and hate which has resulted out of sahaj marg? Sahaj Marg is a fear based cult. The ultimate argument that abhyasis present is fear of hell, and loosing place in brighter world.

As with heart, brain also has its limitation, but that is all we have. With an airplane we cannot travel to the moon. There is a limitation to the airplane. Beyond certain altitudes it just can’t go. Do we leave the plain in mid air to go to the moon without it? That would be quite foolish. No, we would try to build a different space ship to propel us to the moon. But still we would follow the same scientific principles and follow the same laws of nature. So yes there is a limitation to logics but it would be foolish to abandon it and embrace irrationality to find the truth. Even if we find other means to access the truth, like intuition or similar faculties they cannot be illogical.

Can anyone establish that their heart has never betrayed them? It has betrayed many people. The followers of David Koresh were betrayed by their hearts, the followers of Jim Jones, Heaven’s Gate or all other cults were/are betrayed by their hearts. How do we know we are not betrayed by our heart?

What about suicide bombers? Are they not victims of their faith? Is their heart not betraying them? If they used their brain, they would not have done this stupid thing. Killing innocent people to go to heaven? Is there anything more insane than that? They are following their hearts and not their brains. No matter how flawed our intellect may be, it is the only tool we have and it is far better equipped to see the truth than our feelings. The good news is that intellect and human knowledge are expanding and every day we can learn something new. Look at the product of the intellect. Technology and science are the products of intellect. They are not perfect but every day we invent new things. Are we to go and live in a cave just because technology and science are not perfect? And we assume that heart is perfect?

Intellect can fail also but there is a better chance to correct it. Intellect is corrigible. The more you learn the more you can rely on your intellect. It is not perfect but it is expanding and is far more reliable than feelings. Our senses say the Earth is flat. Our intellect says it is round. Which one is correct?

Science has its own limitation, and there are numerous natural phenomenons which are not explained by science, but this does not warrant accepting any nonsense just because science has no answers. I don’t know what is in Neptune; does this allow me to believe Neptune is populated by two headed creatures that fly by wiggling their nose? If we don’t know something, it means we don’t know! This is no excuse to invent fairytale and believe in absurdities.

So in essence we must never believe in anything without evidence. If someone claims that s/he has message from God, we must always ask for evidence, and please note, we are not testing God, or asking for evidence for God, but all we are saying is give us the evidence that this path is true, or this message is from God, I feel pity on mental condition of those who had spend 250 $ for buying messages from brighter world, did they asked for evidence that how come these messages are from brighter world? What is the proof that there is indeed a brighter world, and what is the proof that someone is sending messages from brighter world?

One of Shoko Asahara’s followers was Dr. Ikuo Hayashi, a renowned doctor. Following the orders of Asahara, he planted the toxic sarin gas in the subways of Tokyo causing the death of a dozen of people and life injuries to hundreds. Later he confessed that while sitting in the train, he looked at the woman sitting in front of him and said to himself that if he releases this toxic gas, for sure she will die. For a moment he thought he should not do it, but he fought back the thought and convinced himself that God knows best and he should not question the wisdom of Asahara. How could a brilliant scientist of world fame become so fooled? He wept in his trial and strived to find an answer to that question himself. Yet at the moment, he thought he must do whatever his guru says, that it is not up to him to doubt and question the wisdom of God and his representative on Earth. Isn't this exactly how zombies think? Dr. Hayashi is not an evil man. He had done discoveries in medicine. He and his wife, also a doctor, were genuinely good persons. They tried to find better ways to heal people and this was the reason they went after holistic medicine and meditation, which eventually led them to Asahara. These smart people fell prey to a con artist, surrendered their will and intelligence to him, lost their sense of right and wrong and committed murder. All Dr. Hayashi wanted to do was to help people. He ended killing people.

Ikuo Hayashi, a famous doctor who had done so much for medicine, became a terrorist because like these zombies of sahaj marg and like all other believers, including the terrorists, he did not dare to question the wisdom of God. What God? He believed Asahara is a messenger of God. Did he have any proof for that? No, he just followed his heart. These zombies of sahaj marg are doing the same. What proof is there that Chari is representative of God? First give me that proof. Once you accept someone blindly you fight back your own commonsense and say “I am content with the knowledge that God has seen a reason for this”. Have they established first that this path is actually the path to God? How? Is there anyone who has reached anywhere other in the land of misery and pain, where is this so called natural path leading to ? has anyone asked this question as what is the ultimate goal of sahaj marg ? and how do they intend to reach there ? is there anyone (ANYONE) in sahaj marg since 1945, who has reached the so called destination? Leader of this cult has become a criminal, so has numerous other followers of this cult, is this why one joins sahaj marg ? to become a terrorist ? It is better to follow Islam, to become a terrorist than to follow sahaj marg. Atleast they are good terrorists, and respect their family, and do not strike inside their own home, but these zombies of sahaj marg are worst, they strike in their own home, there cannot be anything more worst then sahaj marg. No other faith instigates so much hatred against ones own family spouse and children than sahaj marg.

These zombies of sahaj marg have fallen into the same trap that Dr. Hayashi fell. they believe without any evidence. If Hayashi was wrong, what is the guarantee that that Chari is right? Hayashi was a smart man and famous for his work. Eventually became a terrorist.

Hence in essence if you follow only your heart, probability of becoming a terrorist is more, and if you follow your brain, one cannot become a terrorist.

Re-posted from


Alexis a dit…

Le Noël des abhyasis
Chari est entrain de programmer un voyage en Occident début 2009 (mi janvier à fin mars).
Rien n'est encore calé, mais on murmure qu'il irait aux USA, en France, Suisse et Danemark.